Starbucks- Yay or Nay?

Starbucks- Yay or Nay?

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Take a look at I Hate Starbucks
Read the comments about working there and what the employees go through dealing with management.
Think about the piles of La Marzocco machines that got sent to metal recyclers when they switched to super-auto machines. How green was that?
If you can't order a straight espresso in a coffee shop and get a drinkable beverage then you should be looking for another coffee shop to frequent. IMO.. And if you need a coffee that badly, carry a tin of NoDoz for emergencies.
Be part of the solution! Friends don't let friends drink at *$$.
Harkening back to the MacDonalds analogy once more, if someone asked me where to get a cheeseburger locally, I would assume they truly want my opinion on the matter, and accordingly I'd recommend Barney's or Fog City Diner, or a myriad of places that expend effort to make a decent cheeseburger. :) I'm still looking for decent BBQ! :p
Everybody's palettes are different .. therefore there will be different opinions as to preference of taste/choice of coffees. I will take Tim Horton's ANY day over Starbucks and have spare change to buy the donut to go with my coffee. Others will disagree with me and that is OK.
Everybody's palettes are different .. therefore there will be different opinions as to preference of taste/choice of coffees. I will take Tim Horton's ANY day over Starbucks and have spare change to buy the donut to go with my coffee. Others will disagree with me and that is OK.

Now..whatsitgonna be, the maple bars, old fashioned, or chocolate covered chocolate? :p
OK, I'll play. I like a grande extra hot latte when my bunch of cigar buddies are sitting around puffing on Cuban Robustos. They really go well together and the espresso the guy makes at the shop is kind of yucky.

But I have a great Starbucks story. There is a homeless guy who wanders around my neighborhood with a shopping cart. We have 4 SB's near us. I asked him if he would like to come in and I would buy him a coffee. He looked kind of grateful and we walked in. He walked up to the cash, took off his cap and shyly asked the cashier for a

" half and half decaf extra hot grand latte with a shot of vanilla, sprinkle of cocoa and double foam".

Uh, yeah.


i buy their pikes peak in the whole bean,have them grind it course for me and use my press .sometimes for me, i think it's better at home and cheaper.
OK, I'll play. I like a grande extra hot latte when my bunch of cigar buddies are sitting around puffing on Cuban Robustos. They really go well together and the espresso the guy makes at the shop is kind of yucky.

But I have a great Starbucks story. There is a homeless guy who wanders around my neighborhood with a shopping cart. We have 4 SB's near us. I asked him if he would like to come in and I would buy him a coffee. He looked kind of grateful and we walked in. He walked up to the cash, took off his cap and shyly asked the cashier for a

" half and half decaf extra hot grand latte with a shot of vanilla, sprinkle of cocoa and double foam".

Uh, yeah.



Now that's friggn funny!
Now that's friggn funny!

Yep..*$ has even created a lexicon for ordering! :p Back in the 70's, Wendys had a very narrow joint downtown in the Fi Di, and lunchtime line was atrocious. This was when they were first testing 'radio' walkie-talkie order takers moving through the line taking orders, and I quickly learned to order a 'no pickles onions on a double-cheese everything' was amusing to hear the orders ahead and behind, to know who was in the Wendy's clique! LOL!
Years ago Starbucks introduced me to better coffee. (note that I said "better", not "best"). Before Starbucks I used to "splurge" every now and then for a cup of DD. (as in Dunkin Donuts, not Double D ... we are speaking coffee here, LOL).

In any rate, I do have to thank them for that kick in the a*s. The sky opened up and the light shown down. While I seldom frequent Starbucks anymore, I do appreciate the catalyst they provided.

if i remember correctly, someone said something about starbucks' consistency in what it sells.
an excellent comment, especially in light of a coffee shop i stopped into in ensenada, baja california, mexico, a couple days ago.
a golf group i belong to was on its yearly golf outing to mexico, and coffee was on my menu as we cruised the tourist section of downtown ensenada.
we stopped in a coffee shop that advertised many of the same specialty drinks we take for granted in the u.s.
unfortunately, my americano with room was awful.
a starbucks would have been more than welcome.

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