Scratched Gaggia Classic Boiler - Health Danger ?


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Apr 10, 2017
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While deeply cleaning my Gaggia Classic after 5 or 6 years of usage I scratched the boiler with a screwdriver tip.
I red a lot about the boiler being Aluminium and health concerns regarding it. Do you think I am particularly exposed to an health risk using a scratched boiler every day ? More than if it wouldn't be ?
Thank you for the attention you will pay to my concern.
People make a rather big deal over nothing these days. You will see mention of hazards from using certain types of materials, but in all honesty and practicality we can't escape every little threat in daily living. From the air we breathe, water we drink, foods we consume, meds taken, etc. something somewhere down the line will eventually get us all.

Regarding boiler material... I see nothing wrong with any material being used as food grade materials 'should' be used where it counts and the water is constantly being flushed through the system so that nothing should leech into the water to begin with. Granted if water was just sitting idle in a container/boiler for weeks to month then I might have reservations, but otherwise I wouldn't give it a second thought. The people that have seriously researched aluminum boilers claim the coating that builds up in them (oxide) acts as a protective layer as well.