organic coffee or regular

organic which is more better and it have more credits for our health
What's the address to your organic site? I would be interested in checking it out.

Mind you, before the industrial revolution everything was "organic" maybe, insteading of people seeing it as a form elitism, I think it is going back to a more natural way of living. I totally agree with Josh.

Well, I guess I have to. He changes the oil in my car and takes out the garbage!

Hey SunriseCoffeeLasVegas, I agree you guys on going more organic wise on food and drinks. It's more healthy and good for your body. At my work now we have this coffee called Tylers Coffee, and it's organic/acid free so I dont worry to much about drinking it throughout the day.
Hey SunriseCoffeeLasVegas, I agree you guys on going more organic wise on food and drinks. It's more healthy and good for your body. At my work now we have this coffee called Tylers Coffee, and it's organic/acid free so I dont worry to much about drinking it throughout the day.

Hello Chrisyx21"

Your posts are starting to look like advertisements for Tyler's Coffee. We get the point that you drink it at work, and you like it. Now, it's time to move on to other topics. (but not mug huggers).

I go to the organic coffee, because as what you say everyone wants to ensure their health so do I. I want to secure my health and my family’s health as well in choosing the best kind of coffee we we’re going to drink. :coffee1:
I go to the organic coffee, because as what you say everyone wants to ensure their health so do I. I want to secure my health and my family’s health as well in choosing the best kind of coffee we we’re going to drink. :coffee1:

hi dorothy, it is absolutely positively okay to drink none organic coffees. whether you believe me or not, organic or none organic does not have anything to do with "health". Even Fair Trade or Rain Forest is not what it seems to be. 99.9% is all "marketing" scheme from Gov't and other huge companies.

Also, for your information, most of very expensive specialty coffees (Geisha, Pacamara, Bourbon..etc basically micro lots) are not organic. But a lot of people goes after these types of specialty coffees. They are not likely to be organic because of very simple reason. These specialty coffee trees produce much less than regular coffee trees, like caturra, catuai, and other hybrid trees. On top of that, they go thru very strict sorting process which loses more beans (rejects by specialty coffee sorting standards).

If they use organic, the production of coffee drops between 30% to 50% automatically which will drive the pricing even higher and tougher for farmers to make living by selling micro (specialty) lot coffees.
Mine was organic. The taste was better. Especially Luwak Coffee or Civet Coffee, although it made from Asian palm civet feces, but the taste was amazing! Can't describe it with words!
Hello Chrisyx21"

Your posts are starting to look like advertisements for Tyler's Coffee. We get the point that you drink it at work, and you like it. Now, it's time to move on to other topics. (but not mug huggers).

Think same as you
To me organic is the best. It is more freshy and I like more than others.
if you have time, here is interesting article about Organic & Fairtrade facts.

This 10 year research was done by Manfred Zeller (University of Hohenheim) : "over a period of ten years, our analysis shows that organic and organic-fairtrade farmers have become poorer relative to conventional producers. We conclude that coffee yield levels, profitability and efficiency need to be increased, because prices for certified coffee can not compensate for low productivity, land or labor constraints." unquote.

PS: it is definitely "not MORE fresh".
The local expat buyers in our country dont care about fair trade. They only want to make profit without care to the coffee farmer community. May be I am the only one who still commit to offer with Fair Trade basis in Bali. We know our coffee is finest and we must keep the eligible price for finest coffee
I had this cup of coffee in Colombia on a beans farm and it was divine. It was the best tasting coffee out of a French Press I had ever had. Till this day I wish I could relive that coffee.
tldr; Organic coffee is far superior
I had this cup of coffee in Colombia on a beans farm and it was divine. It was the best tasting coffee out of a French Press I had ever had. Till this day I wish I could relive that coffee.
tldr; Organic coffee is far superior

It would've tasted the same whether it was organic or not.
I am writing an e-book on coffee and have sampled at least 40 or 50 brands. I have also talked to coffee roasters in this country, South American and Central America. Coffee is one of the most sprayed crops of any food product. I personally witnessed this
in both Brazil and Columbia. Whenever I can afford it I always buy organic bean, however, I have been told by those in the industry that coffee grown in shade and in higher elevations is often grown without pesticides even though it may not be labeled organic.
A question for you guys, has anyone tried an organic decaf, preferably dark roast, that really tastes like real coffee? I have tried at least a dozen and no matter how they are processed the flavor is sorely lacking. They tend to be tasteless, bitter or have a really
strange taste.
Decaf + Dark Roast (I am guessing Agtron # 35 to 20) = No flavor what so ever.
Darker you roast, less coffee profile the coffee will have.

Swiss water process (to make them decaf) will ruin the delicate flavor profiles of specialty coffee. (even though SWP will dispute)

so, if you want to taste REAL GOOD COFFEE, try Agtron 55 to 50 (light medium roast), freshly roasted, specialty coffee (over 85 SCAA Point).

As far as Organic is concerned, it got nothing to do with coffee taste / profile / health ....etc
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I have tried at least a dozen and no matter how they are processed the flavor is sorely lacking. They tend to be tasteless, bitter or have a really strange taste.

It's been my experience that any kind of decaf has a tasteless, bitter, and strange (chemical) after taste. I've yet to come across a decaf coffee that tastes like coffee. I guess I'm too used to drinking the real deal, and decaf is not for me.