Need Help, Please: Francis Francis X1 Leaking Issue


I am having some problems with my X1 leaking and the basket remaining stuck up in the machine. The puck is also very watery when I take the portafilter out. Here is a video with the problem.


The basket may be sticking to the screen from not having enough head space due to overdosing.

Even though the group gasket apparently corrected your leak, another issue could be overdosing the basket which can cause an improper seal because the puck is being forced into the shower screen forcing the portafilter downward away from the group seal.

The watery puck is because that machine has no 3-way solenoid. Initially 3-ways were used in commercial machines to allow the barista to dump the puck immediately after brewing with no portafilter sneeze. Then manufacturers started putting them in home machines, but probably more as a selling point. They work fine when kept cleaned out, but can cause flow issues when clogged.