Is It Safe to Let Children Drink Coffee ??

We just try and each our kids to respect the special things we're given in life. Means all sorts of things, beer, wine, coffee, sex, cars, computers ... etc. etc.
All these things are open to abuse, and so is coffee. IMO.

I allow my 10 yr old to have a fresh cappucino coffee about once a week because we love great coffee and we want her to learn moderation. She really enjoys it and looks forward to it.
Its only to attempt to teach a little respect for something that is arguably a bit special and a kind of a luxury.
I offer my 18, 20 and 22 yr olds a milk based espresso when ever they come over, which is about 3 times a week. They sometimes accept and other times they don't.
I think coffee is ok for my kids from about age 10.

I certainly would not look down my nose at any parent who chooses to make coffee for younger kids the norm in their home.
For a very long time mine cried and cried that they wanted coffee like mom and dad (they were 8 and 10 at the time) so we finally caved and gave them a taste and they both almost gagged and have never asked since... :D

I dont know if I've ruined them for coffee for the rest of their lives but it sure was amusing at the time...
yes I can identify with that experience. As a kid of (about) 7 or 8 I begged for a sip of my uncle's whiskey :!:
I remember clearly running from the room towards the nearest tap to rinse my mouth.

Possibly why I do not like spirits to this day ? Much prefer Beer.

My 10 year old enjoys the odd capuccino, but I alow her to make herself a decaf instant capuccino on the espresso machine sometimes.
You know the interchangable dual floor portafilters that sometimes come with machines ? Well these are generally not used when using decent beans which have been ground properly, but they are useful for using with instant coffee because they produce a kind of pseudo crema from instant coffee which is quite pleasant.
A nice alternative for the young ones and for the oldies in the evening when caffienne is banned.
Reminds me of a five year old I knew...

Thought coffee was a grown up thing, so he sneeked into the kitchen one night to make some coffee. Poured mostly green rubbing alcohol into a coffee cup, added some food coloring, instant coffee grounds and some other miscellaneous items a four year old could reach in the kitchen and bottoms up! Drank the whole cup, ended up in the emergency room later that night...

Moral of the story, teach 'em how to make coffee. Also, put safety locks on your cabinets if you have mischievous little boys running about.

Okay, it was me in the story. Heh...
Its surprising what we remember from our childhood. I remember hearing of a cousin who swallowed shampoo and needed his stomach pumped. As an 8 yr old, I had this mantal picture of my cousin's stomach lying on some hospital table attached to a bicycle pump and in no way connected to my cousin.

Sometimes the "delete" and the "edit buttons" go away if someone posts a message after yours. Although it doesn't happen every time.

Speaking of the edit button.....a couple of times in recent weeks, when I've edited my postings (I found spelling errors that I just had to fix) the whole posting disappeared. I don't know what I did. I had a real long message that I was adding to (I was complimenting Alun on his terrific writing skills), and it vanished into the massive dark hole of cyberspace.

I'm really a big klutz when it comes to computers!

Rose, at the risk of hijacking this thread ... :oops:

I know what you mean, its happened to me too. If I'm going to be some time replying or writing, I sometimes highlight and right click to 'copy' everything.
Then if it goes away for some weird reason, I still have most of it.
Hello "ArabBeaker"

Okay, I'll help get this thread back on track.

When I was growing up, some of my friend's parents would gradually add coffee to their kid's chocolate milk (or hot chocolate) to get them used to the taste of coffee. As time went on, the amount of coffee dominated the chocolate, and then eventually they were drinking cups of coffee with the grownups on special occassions. I was jealous, because my parents didn't let us drink coffee until we were 18 . . . it was just one of their many stupid rules.

I have to chuckle when a customer comes into the cafe and asks for half hot chocolate and half coffee. I'm tempted to ask if their parents made it for them that way when they were young, and if they're been drinking it that way ever since.

This thread was hijacked a long time ago. Post your final comments before I lock it and let it go to Davey Jones locker at the bottom of the forum.
CCafe, you can delete my post if you like, just thought it fell into the topic of children & coffee.
My little guy is Honduran. I would love to use one of his homeland's cultural exports as a way teach him about where his blood comes from once he's old enough to realize that he doesn't look like Mommy and Daddy.
(here he is on the right: ). But, if I give him just a touch of my latte, he's screwed into the ceiling :-D for an hour or two. No more coffee for little Mister. :lol:
er... make that him being on the left. Sorry. Not enough coffee yet.

raydarluvr said:
My little guy is Honduran. I would love to use one of his homeland's cultural exports as a way teach him about where his blood comes from once he's old enough to realize that he doesn't look like Mommy and Daddy.
(here he is on the right: ). But, if I give him just a touch of my latte, he's screwed into the ceiling :-D for an hour or two. No more coffee for little Mister. :lol:
That might be a sugar issue raydarluvr, not caffeine.... Coffee has actually been shown to have the opposite effect on children, more of a calming effect. Lattes on the other hand....

Anyway, thanks for sharing the photo, cute kids.

Welcome to! :D