I Want to buy an Expresso Stand


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Jul 30, 2019
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looking to purchase an expresso/ coffee stand with drive up windows. Budget is $30,000. Show me what’s out there!
First, you need to learn that it's "espresso" (ess-press-oh) not "expresso"! :)

Second, I don't think $30k will be enough. Bump that up to $100k. Underestimating start-up costs kills a lot of businesses (it almost killed ours.)
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Your opinion is not needed. A $100,000 for a building is ridiculous. You clearly did not read my post all the way because your too concerned with your English lesson. I need a building. Only. I said nothing about start up costs or anything else. Thanks but no thanks.
Your opinion is not needed. A $100,000 for a building is ridiculous. You clearly did not read my post all the way because your too concerned with your English lesson. I need a building. Only. I said nothing about start up costs or anything else. Thanks but no thanks.

Quit being rude... you asked for feedback and the user gave you realistic and accurate information. Most drive thru's are going to start around $50K+... and that's without equipment.