How many grams

It depends on your espresso machine and your personal touch. 7 grams ground correctly and pulled till it blonds (a little blond spot on top of the crema) will make a great shot!
Depends on whether or not you want to believe Italian hype... as it would be 7/14 depending on the basket used.

For me it depends on many variables... the machine itself as head spacing, basket design, etc. plays a part, as does the coffee being used, fineness, tamp pressure and what you're trying to achieve in viscosity/purity. My average dose is 16-17 grams for a stock Gaggia double basket. Never wasted time toying with singles.
The standard guide line for weight per shot is below.

Single Shot = 7 grams
Double Shot = 14 grams
Triple Shot 18 – 22 grams

You only asked what the weight should be,You want the grind and tamp to be adjusted to have the espresso machine poor a shot is roughly 28 seconds. Everyone will have a little different pull time based on their "expertise" and receipt.
Triple shot baskets flow too slow for me even when on a coarser grind than the usual grind i use on dual basket......

Single baskets are very finicky....

A 7 gram dose is so little, you'll need a finer grind to get to 30 seconds flow..... and my grinder is stepped so one more step up and it choked my machine.....

I'd stick with my favorite 14 grams VST Ridgeless......

I always use 7 gram for my shop but sometimes it really need to test your machine and add or subtract little to get the best out of your own machine. I use NS Aurellia and it works and taste great at 7 gram and little tat more.