Help Please: Many people looking for the WMF Konfig Tool for Various WMF Machines

A friend of mine owns a WMF 1500S, does anyone know if and when they changed software. Is it same setup, usb, konfigtool etc?
I understad that older wmf machines is discontinued, but WMF presto, 1200, 1400, 1500, CombiNation etc. Are they discontinued?
How do i update a new wmf machine?

We need all the software programs!

try this fiend
@topcoffee: Do you also have the version for the WMF 800/900/1000?
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im need the wmf 1200s servicetool or konfigtool to-my new coffeemachine needs service2 and must reset the info 🤪. can anyone help me please 🥺? thx
Hello Top Coffee and others
Can somebody share once again link for konfigtool 1200s.
Still looking for it and my wmf 1200s is useless because can not reset service 1 and service 2
I need the konfig Tool for Presto (1400er). Can anybody give me a download link.

Hey guys!

Can someone help me getting the KonfigTool for Schaerer Vito?

Thx in advance!