New member
Been a lurker for some time now and thought it was time to introduce myself and my company. My name is Jud and I hail from the great northwest, and quite simply I love coffee. I love it so much I created Hasty Cafe, a 3 in 1 pod, which is divided into three parts, instant coffee, creamer, and sugar. Ive always been a fan of instant coffee for that quick fix, but I used to continuously run out of creamer and sugar. Hasty Cafe comes with real creamer, sugar, and instant coffee all in one, so you just pour it in boiling water and you are ready to go. We should be live on Kickstarter here shortly, and would love all of your support.
Hope to be a helpful part of the forum and look forward to meeting new people!
Hope to be a helpful part of the forum and look forward to meeting new people!