Drinking coffee problem (very old discussion thread)

Hello "Shen"

Are you saying that you think the places where you got the coffee were not clean, and you think that may be why your stomach was upset after drinking the coffee there?

And are you saying that when you went to Starbucks and The Coffee Bean and bought coffee your stomach didn't get upset?

In your original message, you said that you didn't have lunch before drinking the coffee and your stomach got upset.

Did you eat anything before you bought the coffee in the places that you thought were not clean?

From now on, if you go into a place, and see that it's not clean, it would be better if you just turn around and walk out!

Hi Brian, I don't think cold coffees may affects our daily life eating & living lifestyle, more important is you have to know those environment are they clean enough or not to brew a coffee. I lately discover few months ago I buy a traditional coffee from an old shop outside the market, and there's 1 to 2 times I got stomach ache from the similar stores, while I even drink Star bucks and The Coffee Bean across my cities Singapore, there's no problem and those coffee were fine.I would advice to watch out those coffee makers and places you may visit.
Like posted above, cold brewed is generally different then "cold" coffee where majority just take hot coffee/espresso whatever and pour over ice, you'll still have the acid that I guess some people are sensitive too. But cold brewed coffee, made in something like the Toddy or Sowden Soft Brew is steeped for 12+ hours and makes a very smooth tasting coffee with much less acidity.