DeLonghi Magnifica ESAM3300 new, need adjusting education!


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Jan 25, 2014
Charlotte, NC
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The new DeLonghi Magnifica ESAM3300 arrived, it's set up is; The grinder is factory set at #5, The left dial is for Short, Standard, Long and currently it will brew one ounce, The right dial is for Mild, Standard, Strong and currently set at Standard, Along the top above left and right dials is; On/Off, 1 cup, 2 cup, and it is set at one cup. I'm wanting to make a Capucinno with one ounce brew and 3.5 ounce milk. Now, this fully automatic machine has an infusion step before brewing step. The brew duration is 5-7 seconds. So, is the brew time normally shorter than standard brew time of 20-30 seconds?? It seems that there is only one way to slow down brew duration to me, 'Make grind finer'?
Yeah super autos typically grind more coarse, dose/tamp less and this gives a faster/thinner extraction. More than likely they are designed that way to give decent/consistent results while minimizing problems/maintenance.

The single shot, double shot, etc. will just get you in the ballpark, then fine tune to meet your taste/expectations for a particular coffee.

How do you like the machine so far?
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I unboxes last night, then spent time to set it, do water hardness test,etc But made two lattes this and I liked them. I do indeed enjoy the fully auto! No more waiting 15 minutes every morning to heat up, then wait another five minutes for steam to come up decent, and no longer have to dump grind and clean out basket and such. Actually going by factory settings the first shot came out drinkable. My problem was apparently not adding in infusion time to brew. Once - did that the brew time made sense. But for first three hours on it, mostly set up and experimenting, I think I'm really gonna love it.
I just received my DeLonghi ESAM3300. I don't love it yet, learning its ins and outs. I'm disappointed I can't push a button and get a grind-brew-grind-brew process. I can select the 2 coffee button but I can't get the right mixture of coffee and water. If I select the highest settings for coffee and water, I get the right amount of water but not enough coffee.

I'm aiming to get a flavorful americano.

I think I like it so far, but boy is it loud..!!
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