Cold brew coffee in espresso machine


Dec 12, 2020
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Can freshly made black cold brew coffee be put into a slayer espresso machine and if so, how? Assuming it could be put into this espresso machine but how?? Can only whole coffee beans be put into a slayer machine??
"Cold brew" coffee is just coffee that was blended for cold brew brewing. Espresso coffee is just coffee that was created for making espresso. You can still use it for drip coffee or french press as long as you grind it differently. So if the cold brew coffee you have is ground it will not work in your espresso machine. If it is whole bean and you grind it for espresso you will be fine.
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So freshly made black cold brew coffee simply cannot be put into a $$$$$ espresso machine or for that matter into any other $$$$$ coffee machine then under any circumstances then?????
Not liquid cold brew... you can use a cold brew coffee blend of beans to produce espresso shots. You can also use your steam want to warm up cold brew but I don't know why you would want to do that.