1. Do you know if these factories are not ISO certified for fact? I can name few factories that are ISO certified.
2. In US we do not make Iphones, We have not made TVs in like 10 years. So as you put it, are u saying we can't build the Phones here in US because we do not make them here?
3. Yes there have been many incidents in China where they have used products that are not food quality but do you know for fact make this kind of statement that the roaster are used none food quality metals?
4. How many Chinese roaster have you seen work? One? Two? Maybe none?
5. So you know for fact there is any incident some of the customers have been poisoned by Chinese made roasters? NOT
6. have you ever checked american factories are all ISO Certified or used Food quality metals or not poisoning your customers?
Making all these unsubstantiated claims or points only confuse other members.
There have been many cases some of the Chinese manufactures used faulty paint, metals and other none safe product to threaten our health but if you consider how many things are made by Chinese we have on our table, office and on our backs their products truly have changed our lives in major ways.
I am not a huge fan of Chinese or Turkish made product. I am going to order Probat roaster next year(saving up for them now) but making the faulty statements like above only make us look ignorant and irresponsible.
Bottom line, I hope you do not use any Chinese made home appliances or product... From coffee makers to plastic containers or packaging items for you coffee or shoes you are wearing....