Can I drink coffee when I'm pregnant? And a Caffeine Chart for Pregnant Women

[FONT=&quot]I hope so! I'm looking at your responses as I was wondering about this myself. I think in moderation ( like anything) it is fine. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]ADDED: I drank sweet iced tea daily with my 1st and he came out fine! Coffee made me sick with him. I am still wanting a cup in the am though with my 2nd...I don't need a killer migrane problem right now from withdrawls.[/FONT]
So if the American College of Obstetrics and gynaecology says that caffeine intake of less than 200 milligrams won't increase the risk of miscarriage or preterm birth that isn't good enough for anyone here?
You can drink coffee during pregnancy. But according to some research, taking caffeine during pregnancy can affect the health of unborn child. So avoid it if you can. Try an alternative to coffee such as fresh Goji Berry Juice. It is good for skin and best for most health ailments in women.
It would be better if you are avoiding caffeinated beverages during pregnancy. You can get the advice from a doctor regarding this
So once again...the OP's question was "Can I drink coffee when I'm pregnant?" A lot of information is available on this topic online, so the answer "better off to avoid" is not an answer at all. Anyone should be able to make an informed decision by Googling this topic, and weighing the responses from credible sources like...again...the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. You don't need to go pay an uniformed doctor to render an opinion...such as "better to stay away"...when in fact it seems that all information available points to a threshold tolerance where there seems to be no evidence of 200mg per day. That is the answer that helps one make an informed decision...someone, who like all of us, really loves coffee, but would never risk the health of their unborn child. I'm not trying to be argumentative, but I liken this to the question, "How do I prevent pregnancy?" and the getting the answer, "stop having sex"...just sayin...

Sorry Aminahafra...should have first welcomed you to the forums. Don't want to pick a fight with you (just
I agree with the above poster. The obstetrician would know best.
You can enjoy a mug of coffee during the pregnancy period but you should remember that you don't take coffee more than 200 mg.

You can enjoy a mug of coffee during the pregnancy period but you should remember that you don't take coffee more than 200 mg.

I always say "Why take the risk?" I know several mothers who have grieved over miscarried babies, and I've watched how they have wondered what they did wrong or why it happened. Even though there are really no specific answers as to why it happened, it's heartbreaking to see anyone go through that grief and self-blame.

I believe if there is any possibility that drinking coffee could cause problems for a pregnancy, it's not worth taking the risk.
Drinking one cup of coffee during pregnancy is fine. But anything more than that is not recommended.
I mentioned this in previous posts that it amazes me that people will look for health info on a coffee forum and not talk to a doctor. Especially with a pregnancy. Even reaching out to the internet is absurd.
My OB said it is okay but we have to limit it to 2 cups. Though I had the urge to drink coffee when I was pregnant, I still did not take any coffee or tea on the duration of my pregnancy. I did not take any as well when I was breastfeeding although some says it is perfectly fine to drink a cup or two in a day.
This is undesirable because during pregnancy, often the pressure is high, and caffeine helps raise blood pressure even more
Hi! My wife work as a doula and pregnancy coach, she says it's ok to drink in few quantities. Baby can get addicted to substances during pregnancy if you consume it in great volume, as he/she receive it through the umbilical cord. But it may not be harmful if you drink from time to time, not frequently and not much. So, enjoy carefully :)

PS: she says you may want to avoid coffee during the first 3 months, because... after all, it's not worthy to take the risky, isn't it? :)