Aero Press - Bitter


New member
Dec 23, 2021
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I am new on the forum, I registered to try and find an answer to why my coffee is bitter. Here is the summary of my coffee making:
Device = AeroPress
Coffee Type= Mix 50/50 Regular & DeCaf
Coffee = Volcanica Dark Roast & Guatemala Med Roast DeCaf
Coffee Volume = 2 Tablespoons per type
Water Volume = 8oz per 2 Tablespoons
Water Temp = 190-200
Method= pour water and stir for about 1 minute and let slowly drip down to about 1/3 volume and then press. (I make 8oz each separately)

Your feed back is much appreciated.
The water temp is too low... try and hit 202. Best to go via weight for coffee / water... just buy a cheap $15 gram scale (make sure it will hold weight of water + brewing device).

Take a look at this method:
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Thank you for your feedback. In listening to the video the gentleman uses 11 games of coffee (.385 oz) to 200 (7 oz) grams of water. That is materially lower on the coffee volume than I have been using - am I hearing him correctly?

Again, thank you very much for your time.
As he notes he likes high extraction since its a super light roast... most people I don't think use that little coffee volume. I personally start all of my coffees (in most cases) around 1:15 or 1:16 ratio. I start at 15 g coffee to 225 g water.
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Thank you for your post outlining your starting ratio. I have been using 2 tablespoons (30 grams) to 8 ounces (225 grams) of water. The grind I have been using is very fine almost like expresso grind - maybe that is adding to why the coffee is bitter?
Thank you for your post outlining your starting ratio. I have been using 2 tablespoons (30 grams) to 8 ounces (225 grams) of water. The grind I have been using is very fine almost like expresso grind - maybe that is adding to why the coffee is bitter?

Yes - probably. When it's super fine it over extracts causing a bitter/astringent taste.