Advise Please: Looking for honest opinions about our company name


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Jan 3, 2020
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I posted earlier about my new blend of coffee my daughter and I made. It is in the buy and sell section. What I am looking for is honest opinions about the name. If you read the story and see the website, then give feedback, I'd really appreciate it. Re-branding isn't fun but now would be the time.
I posted earlier about my new blend of coffee my daughter and I made. It is in the buy and sell section. What I am looking for is honest opinions about the name. If you read the story and see the website, then give feedback, I'd really appreciate it. Re-branding isn't fun but now would be the time.

Hello Jwatson355,

It's probably a good idea for you to reconsider the name of your coffee company. I'm sure some people would think it's okay, especially after reading how you came up with the name, but some people wouldn't understand why you made such a choice. Sinner Coffee Company isn't a name that would instantly create a level of trust.

I instantly thought of devils and demons, and a few people I know (and wish I didn't know) when I read the name of your company. It wasn't a good feeling at all.

Here's the thread that you started in the Buy and Sell section - in case anyone wants to take a look.

~ Rose
Well, I read your post yesterday so I 've had a bit of time to think about it. I personally don't like the fact that the girls were critical, but on the other hand I probably would never buy coffee from your brand under its current branding. It will get you quick sales in the short run, but in the long run, I'm not sure it's sustainable. Its a hard enough business why piss off a percentage of your potential customers? On the flip side, you may gain some because of it. I guess I look at it this way - your daughter didn't like being judged (and I agree/understand) but aren't you somewhat doing the same thing?
Well, I read your post yesterday so I 've had a bit of time to think about it. I personally don't like the fact that the girls were critical, but on the other hand I probably would never buy coffee from your brand under its current branding. It will get you quick sales in the short run, but in the long run, I'm not sure it's sustainable. Its a hard enough business why piss off a percentage of your potential customers? On the flip side, you may gain some because of it. I guess I look at it this way - your daughter didn't like being judged (and I agree/understand) but aren't you somewhat doing the same thing?

Good answer brother I didn’t think about it like that?
I really do not think you have to worry about losing the mormon sales. I kinda like the brand name and the back story. I mean if you are trying to get to the masses you are targeting a huge demographic because I heard from a Christian once that we are all sinners. I hope you can keep up with the demand.
I hope the coffee is really, really good. Otherwise you'll only get first-time buyers, and then the novelty will wear off. I looked at your website and I'm not impressed with the name or the packaging, but it appears that there are folks who are.

As time goes on, if the coffee is good, you can always create a spinoff brand under a different name. Maybe something more positive - like Victory Coffee, for example.

~ Rose
Truth be told I'd go with my gut instinct and keep things the way you want them to be. Of course you will never please everybody, but at the end of the day who cares? Running a business to primarily please others can sometimes make you miserable and that's not ideal. I've had an awesome idea for some time, but of course due to physical constraints (and financial as usual) I'd like to open a walk-in espresso bar as in walk in, get your espresso, stand up sipping it as there would be no chairs, free WiFi, etc. The menu would be short/simple as in straight espresso (lungo or ristretto always welcome), Americano to pacify the weaklings and a traditional short cappuccino as in 2-3 oz. of milk. That would be it and the menu would list things in that order and my motto would be 'My Way Or GTFO' and leave it at that. Would have a 3 group lever and a few commercial sized hand grinders. I would also do my own roasting onsite... Of course I wouldn't expect a ton of business with my thought process, but some things are more important than the mighty dollar.

I'm far from religious and did see Mormon mentioned and actually have a good friend that is Mormon and she explained their thoughts on addiction such as coffee. Of course I have to LMAO on that as there are FAR worse addictions in this world than something as awesome as coffee. Every now and then I see the young guys riding their bikes going door-to-door to try getting people to listen to their religious beliefs. If they ever come to our door I will invite them in and do a few double shots just for them and see the reaction.
I get that there is more important things than the mighty dollar. But you need income to survive. Then again does anyone just wants to survive? There are plenty of people who are just ok with getting by. Being behind the counter ringing stuff up. I do not want to employ these people though. I want people who are hungry like me.
I agree you don't have to worry about the Mormon sales... LOL. But - you have to consider current studies show 65% of the US population identifies as Christian and 44% attend services weekly. That's a big chunk of the US population your eliminating with your branding (or have the potential to disengage).
I agree you don't have to worry about the Mormon sales... LOL. But - you have to consider current studies show 65% of the US population identifies as Christian and 44% attend services weekly. That's a big chunk of the US population your eliminating with your branding (or have the potential to disengage).

Yes, but how many of those peole who identify as Christian and who may attend services weekly are also so religious that they would avoid buying a coffee simply because if its name? Lots of people may identify as christian and may attend services weekly but lots of those people may attend simply because their significant other attends or because they go as a family or because it's a social outlet. But lots of those people would also likely have enough of a sense of humor to understand that it's just a name. And I would bet lots of those would consider buying BECAUSE of the name. I suppose those who take themselves and their religion too seriously might not buy the coffee. I can't speak to the mindset of christians because I'm jewish. My wife is christian and I know she wouldn't have a problem with the name. But I also understand the concept of not wanting to tick off a segment of a potential market. That said, we are talking about coffee here. I think there would be plenty of buyers.
I posted earlier about my new blend of coffee my daughter and I made. It is in the buy and sell section. What I am looking for is honest opinions about the name. If you read the story and see the website, then give feedback, I'd really appreciate it. Re-branding isn't fun but now would be the time.

Hello Jwatson355,

I have a feeling that, since you're asking for our honest opinion, you're having second thoughts about the direction you're going with your coffee business and the name you've chosen for it.

Here on the Coffee Forum, we have a section called "Deals and Specials."

Please feel free to offer our members a discount to try your coffee. It would be interesting to see what they think of the coffee - as well as the packaging.

~ Rose
My 2 cents...

I love the look, and for me, I love the branding. But, I'm an atheist and bitter and twisted. I don't think it would go over well with those who aren't like me. I would be more inclined to go with a more generic version that doesn't criticize a religion for a belief system that doesn't align with yours. Live and let live. With that said, I'd go for something like Sinners as the brand name in preference to Sinner Coffee Company. I think Daily Sinner is fine as a product name. I wouldn't go with Jack Mormon or Godless Heathen under any circumstances.
I wouldn't go with Jack Mormon or Godless Heathen under any circumstances.

I agree.

When I saw those two bags of coffee it really turned me off. It's going overboard in the process of making a point, which when I think about it - the whole situation really should have been left for the girls to iron out on their own - without parental interference.

We all go through life navigating around people who try to force their beliefs on us. (good or bad). As kids grow up, they need to learn how to handle difficult people and situations on their own.
Hello, my honest opinion is:
its not good with the name. sinner and godless, there are so much words better and positive than that.
I am sorry but I still think there is a huge market for this brand. I am a practicing non theist and see no issue with it. If anything it grabs ones attention. I remember a coffee shop in the 90's called holy grounds. I walked in and it was a coffee shop during the week and sundays it was a church. I never went back. From when I stepped in till when I left they really pushed their beliefs on me. If I had known it was such a religious place I wouldn't have gone. They did not last long.

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