I'd say a few
The all time most bad espresso beans I've ever picked up came from a company you will find near or at the top of some or all of the major coffee top site listings, I won't name names, but it was sooo bad I still vividly remember the taste to this day, and it's been 7 years since I tried it so that is saying something. Here is a list of bad espresso experiences I've encountered:
Texaco, Port Orchard Wa. wasn't sure if it was espresso or radiator fluid.
Mc D's, when they used to serve it, it was dark colored water.
A convienence mart in Seattle in the 1st hill area, they used folgers from the can, they didn't even own a grinder, just stuffed it into the portafilter and attempted to pass it off as espresso.
A cheapie theater on Capitol hill in Seattle, they were the cheapest, thus went the quality.
All of the ferries on the Puget sound, not even wanting to go there, I'm not sure if they are drawing the water directly from the Sound or not.
The all time worst place I cannot speak from personal experience, but I have to say is the absolute most horrid experience anybody has had even though most don't even know about it.
My brother did a service call on a machine, asked the owner where she sanitized the utensiles, she pointed to the mens room and said in the mini wash station. He thought it sounded peculiar, so had her point out the "mini wash station" in person. She walked him into there and pointed to the urinal..........