
Who is CDB? I ask because, if it is not your on roasting company why promote them? Do they give you a discount to use their name if not just state that you have the coffee specially roasted to order...just a suggestion also why say just plain coffee...you never want to associate your product with plain...one more thing...you spelled espresso with a X. Please take this as constructive and not a slam..

thanks for looking. i put the roasters name so that i wouldn't get hundreds of email who did.

besides a slight typo, what did you think of the website? I am new to the whole thing and I'm trying to improve it with some input from experts like you.

The website is ok... but how's the COFFEE? And what are your qualifications to evaluate coffee? Have you been involved in the "cupping" process? What's your feeling on dry processed versus wet? What do unwashed naturals bring to the party? How does the coffee perform at differing roast levels?

I'm just asking a few of the questions you should be prepared to answer since you now know how to spell espresso.

Good luck!
I am new to the whole coffee business. I do not roast my own...I buy from a wholesaler. I love coffee and I wanted to start a website that sells what I love. This is more like a hobby/experience for me. I really do appreciate everyone for visiting the site and posting your input on it.

I have still more to learn and I'm excited about it. Please continue to teach and suggest any other ideas about coffee and my site.

Thank you.
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