Worst Hot Coffee in America

I saw a special on dateline or NBC one of those that did a blind test on Starbucks and Mcdonalds and Mcdonalds came out on top! lol I still love my Starbucks though! Not gonna lie!

Oh you gotta be kidding - But I've got it figured out - Charbux made a corporate decision a long time ago for the sake of the bottom line - If they just incinerate the beans, they can then go straight to the brewing process - No grinding needed!! A real cost savings to the company.

(Using Tapatalk)
well i think coffee is not good for health at all. i like coffee but drink once in a week. i am fond of green tea because it has many benefits and the one most important is green tea loses weight.

Alan Green
I think coffee is not as bad as some might think. I guess it depends on what you are drinking.... Also the some of the tea have more other additives in it. Some have little to moderate amount of caffeine, MSG, Food coloring, even some narcotics.... I haven't yet to hear about having food coloring, narcotic in coffee drinks but I have heard MSG and of course caffeine.... ;)
I use to think the crappiest coffee in America came from Charbux.

Now I'd have to say it's McDonald's. Their attempt at cafe quality coffee based drinks must be the biggest joke ever. My wife was hooked on their vanilla skim milk lattes because she always said my shots and milk based drinks are too strong for mere mortals. She went to the local McDs several times and the last time what they gave her was steamed milk and some vanilla flavoring. No coffee taste at all. She took it back and the next one was worse than the first. The guy was trying to tell her something like "I pushed the right button to make that" and that is pathetic. If a company is going to tout their coffee as the best they should get their crap right and buy decent equipment and train people properly to do the job right. Just my opinion as usual. Later!

Of course it's McDonalds.....wretched menu and whatever that black water they call coffee has got to be the worst item on the menu, Just my opinion also!
Worst coffee I ever had was at some truck stop on I-40 somewhere between Nashville and Memphis, TN., in the wee hours of the morning. Tasted like the metal was flaking off inside the dispenser.

I think it would have been better labeled as carburetor cleaner.