Worlds Best Coffe Bean

Thanks, and allow me to turn you on to what I have been salivating over for the past week or so: Ethiopian Kaffa Forest! It is some of the best I've ever had, but be forewarned, this is not your Father's cup of Ethiopian.

It had character and a ton of it. Not the classicly cleaner Ethiopian you might be used to. Here's where I get it and I'm not sure if they still have any in stock, but I'm told the quality of Kaffa Forest beans varies widely since many still grow uncultivated. It does come from the heart of the Coffee Birthplace and I think you will love it roasted to full city (the wife likes it at city but what does she know :-)

Thanks Nodezone, :D

Kaffa Forest is new to me and sounds like something to try. I've tried a few Ethiopian varietals and like them all.
Wing of the morning Kona

A long time drinker of this.. only available in medium dark. Blaze gets my award for best taste for the buck at $22/lb plus shipping .. Fresh roasted and fed-exed.. The entire house fills with the delicious aroma upon opening. But always open to try a new one with excellent repoire..
Nodezone said:
Thanks, and allow me to turn you on to what I have been salivating over for the past week or so: Ethiopian Kaffa Forest! It is some of the best I've ever had, but be forewarned, this is not your Father's cup of Ethiopian.

It had character and a ton of it. Not the classicly cleaner Ethiopian you might be used to. Here's where I get it and I'm not sure if they still have any in stock, but I'm told the quality of Kaffa Forest beans varies widely since many still grow uncultivated. It does come from the heart of the Coffee Birthplace and I think you will love it roasted to full city (the wife likes it at city but what does she know :-)


Have you tried Miguel's natural dried Yirg? This is a cleaner version of Harar. Blueberry and Piña Colada. It's awesome.
[quote:7c44d676cc=\"Susanto\"]The best Coffee beans what I ever found is the Luwak Coffee Beans.. coz the animal ( civet ) very select the beans... :grin:[/quote:7c44d676cc]

I honestly think luwak is overrated because of the price
Luwak, as a bean, contain many flaws, not the least of which is that much of it is Robusta based. Now if you could get those Civets to eat a nice Yirg cherry, you might have something!!

By the way, I just saw yesterday where the Indonesian Authorities have begun pleasding with the natives to stop killing and eating the civet cats. They fear that there may be no more coffee available like Luwak unless the civets are allowed to live. Sad sate of affairs actually.
I would certainly agree that KL is not even anywhere close to being the best coffee in Indonesia, let alone vs the range of excellent Arabica coffees coming out of places such as Kenya. You are correct in saying the Luwak is not too fussy in what it eats. It can be even worse than that- as well as havng a diet of coffee (Robusta or Arabica- what ever is handy), the Luwak is an omnivore and therefore is partial to rodents such as small mice, insects as well as chickens eggs. All these and more factors can affect the taste of the well as the fact the processing and selection at villge level is not so flash. I would be surprised if the Indonesian Government is clamping down on villagers eating Luwak. I can guarantee that with teh size of this country and the resources available to the Ministry of Agriculture here, that simply would be an impossible thing to enforce...even 50km from Jakarta where I live!
Thanks for contributing your usual well-informed insights. Your perspective offers a pleasant touch of reality to the forum. :-)
Taken directly from AHN Global News:

Philippine Coffee Traders Call For The Preservation Of Civet Cats

April 3, 2007 11:25 a.m. EST

Komfie Manalo - All Headline News Correspondent
Manila, Philippines (AHN) - Filipino coffee traders called on villagers in Mountain Province to stop capturing and eating civet cats (Paradoxurus phippinensis) because a decline in the cat population would cause a decline in the supply of one of the world's most expensive coffee varieties.

Civet cats eat ripe coffee berries, and local coffee traders gather the beans from their droppings to produce the most expensive coffee varieties in the world. The civet cat, locally known as motit or alamid, is a nocturnal animal that roams the forests of northern Philippines and dwells on rocks where fruit-bearing trees grow nearby.

The coffee beans could cost as much as $80 a pound in the local market and even more in the international market.

However, local villagers in the area kill the cats that stray into their backyards.

Vie Reyes, treasurer of Serenity Coffee Corp., a company that buys local coffee beans, said civet cats were often cooked as appetizers in the lowlands.

"The civet cat is threatened. If nothing is done about it, it will go extinct. These cats should be respected and left in their habitats," she said.

Don't Kill The Messenger!
Ah...Philippines. More enlightened view to eating things than we have here in Indonesia. :shock:
Cooked civet cat versus civet cat's cooked creepy coffee cr_p:
Perhaps the cooked cat tastes better than the cat's cooked cr_p coffee?!?
No comment...only that Civet is enjoyed by a lot of villagers around Indonesia, and obviously the Phil's as well. Not too much meat on the Masked Palm Civet, which is the Luwak Civet in Indo. I uderstand the Ethiopian Civet is the size of a small dog, and also gets roasted up in those parts of the world. Civet eats coffee-Man eats Civet...isn't the food chain interesting? :grin:
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