which automatic machine, minimal milk clean


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Nov 15, 2022
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I want to get an automatic espresso machine that can make espresso drinks, including with milk. But some of the best automatic machines such as the Jura E8 have a pump system that requires the milk system to be cleaned every day, by flushing with a solution through internal piping....which for me I drink one cup a day...that would mean flushing out the milk system after every milk-cup I make...which is not practical.

I am thinking I need to get something that can do all the Automatic stuff regarding grinding the beans and putting out a great cup of coffee or espresso...and then handle the milk more traditionally without a pump system...whenever I do any kind of frothed or steamed milk....pouring it instead of pumping it...so that I don't have to clean out the milk system after only making one drink.

What machines can people recommend for me? I have no barista experience, so I am trying to find something that will be easy enough for me, rather then a fully manual system either. Please forgive my ignorance if this is a simple answer.
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Let’s say under $2k for now

So I see the Philips 4300 and 5400 have an easy to clean milk system, that might be one choice, you just pull the latter container off and put it in the fridge or rinse it quickly in the sink. Or the 4300 can be gotten with a manual milk wand which I would have to learn how to use but is an option too.

I see delonghi has a similar concept as the 5400.

Still looking….
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I would recommend calling Seattle Coffee Gear and seeing what they recommend. I would think that all super autos are very similar in their cleaning cycles, etc. They could certainly tell you if some super autos are easy to clean. An option to consider if you want to eliminate the auto milk function is a machine like the Breville Barista.