where do you buy your green beans online?

taste test

Although I usually only buy green beans and roast them myself or sometimes already roasted beans, I would be willing to try this coffee and give you my opinion. I am by no means and expert but I do know what I like.
Thanks for the review


I apreciate your openess to try this. I am looking for a review that I can put on my web page.....however if it really is horrible I can find different plantations to buy from. Please be honest in your review. Time is the big crunch here, or I would bring unroasted to the states.

Once again thanks, and if you want just private post me your mailing address.


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Others may have mentioned this already, but Sweet Maria's is good.
Brazilian Gourmet Arabica Green Beans

Dear Dale, we are offering a one jute bag (60 kgs/ 132.27 lbs) of premium grade Brazilian gourmet arabica green beans for $2.57/lbs. Our farm is located in the Machado region, south of Minas Gerais. :coffeemug::coffeemug::coffeemug:. If interested please PM me. SCAA Rating: Above + 80
Santa Monica 10.webp https://brasilcafeimports.wordpress.com/
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I just wonder if the quality of it is OK. Personally prefer to buy form real shops than online
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