What is everyone doing on Feb 26th?

What is Bad Ass? Is Bad Ass Coffee opening in South Jersey?
davidsbiscotti said:
I heard Starbux will be offering a $1 coffee,
the only catch is you have to purchase it at McDonalds. :D

LOL :-D :D

Did you see the DD TV spot? That was pretty funny.
ElPugDiablo said:
davidsbiscotti said:
This "Fritalian" commercial?

C'mon, 'Bux bashing is fun right?
So why does DD call their freaking abomination of a drink a latte? Isn't latte Italian for milk? Don't know if any of you ever tried DD's stuff. Starbucks is at least trying to improve. Wish I can say that about DD's crap poop cino.

I can't believe you were even brave enough to try a DD anything. When they first came out, I went in to get one, saw them making it and left. And that was waaay before this. As a consumer, I just thought it was bad. LOL

BTW, don't know if you heard about the nasty Sbux girl who came in a couple of weeks ago. Anyway, one of her coworkers came in. Apparantly, he's been in a few times. He loves the drip. Anyway, he mentioned that he heard about what the girl did from the other girl that was with her and she was mortified. No one in their store can believe she acted that way. So, it at least validates that we thought she was rude.
ElPugDiablo said:
davidsbiscotti said:
This "Fritalian" commercial?

C'mon, 'Bux bashing is fun right?
So why does DD call their freaking abomination of a drink a latte? Isn't latte Italian for milk? Don't know if any of you ever tried DD's stuff. Starbucks is at least trying to improve. Wish I can say that about DD's crap poop cino.

I can't believe you were even brave enough to try a DD anything. When they first came out, I went in to get one, saw them making it and left. And that was waaay before this. As a consumer, I just thought it was bad. LOL

BTW, don't know if you heard about the nasty Sbux girl who came in a couple of weeks ago. Anyway, one of her coworkers came in. Apparantly, he's been in a few times. He loves the drip. Anyway, he mentioned that he heard about what the girl did from the other girl that was with her and she was mortified. No one in their store can believe she acted that way. So, it at least validates that we thought she was rude.

I think the moral of this story is that it's okay to have fun with picking on the big guys, but it's in bad taste to be nasty about it.
Could it be that a part of their success is that they've learned from their competition's taunting?
That could be true. Hey, I think there is plenty to go around for everyone. Different people like different things--that's why there's chocolate and vanilla.
I have tasted a lot of DD's espresso. Our old espresso tech did DD's espresso machine installation for the entire state of Connecticut. He had bags and bags of their espresso blend to calibrate their superautomatics. Before my place was opened, my machine was side by side with bunch of DD's machines. We would pulled shots with Paradise's Espresso Classico to calibrated my machine and then we would pulled DD's espresso. Mr Tata was an old Italian gentleman who enjoyed his coffee but he would soldiered on with shot after shot of DD's stuff while mumbled in not rated PG Italian. He was perplexed with American third wave obsession with PID, triple basket in bottomless portafilter and perfect tamping and distribution. To him a good espresso is to be expected and it's nothing to be fussed over. Mr Tata passed away two years ago and he is greatly missed.

When we first opened we had people came in to checked us out thinking we are a Starbucks clone. When we don't have grande this and venti that some went back to Starbucks while other at least gave us a try. We only had one lady who was nasty acting as if we are some village hicks who don't know anything since we don't have a grande cappuccino. But a couple of their baristi are our regulars. They are all very nice.
I wish I could have met this Mr Tata.

Yes, people say, "Oh, you're like a Sbux..." (sigh) I try to be polite and say, "We're kind of similar, but I hope you like us better." I mean, what do you say to let them know you are different without sounding like as a$$? :roll:
OMG... THAT is SO funny!! I am totally going to steal that line!
I love that response... I don't want to say anything negative AND its catchy.