What do you think about this mobile business plan? Constructive Criticism Required.

Just a follow up to this thread. It's our third month open and we have been rocking it! Our 1st month we did 5k. The second month 6k. This last month over 8k! I'll publish more detail in my newsletter, but it's been crazy! I've been using a square and it breaks down what I sell. Also, I've kept track of my expenses so I can show how net profit we are seeing.

Two things to add:
1. T-Shirts
I began selling T-shirts. Sounds odd, but everyone kept telling me to add more food to my menu to increase my average ticket sale. However, I had two issues with this: 1. I don't like cooking. and 2. I don't like my profit's having a shelf life. So, after a few months of searching, I decided to give t-shirts a go and they've really taken off! I print them here in Albuquerque and just use quotes that I find on Instagram. I throw the ideas up on social media and people vote for them, then I print them and sell them at the shop. It's worked out great! It's added another 1k to the business.

2. I created a US Coffee Truck Association group on Facebook.
I get no revenue from this. It's a private group and the whole idea is to be able to discuss ideas privately amongst coffee truck owners.
What do you think about this mobile business plan? Constructive Criticism Req...

Congrats on the good sales!! Link on fb?
A quick question on your insurance with Geico. Was it for the vehicle, or business liability. If liability could you share a rough magnitude of the cost?
I've been thinking about doing something similar. Sounds like you've thought it out fairly well. Some of it you will learn as you go. Keep a positive attitude and best of luck. Remember; it's got to be fun, or you're just as well to punch somebody's time clock.