What do you love most about coffee?


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Jun 25, 2021
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The question speaks for itself. I’m new here and fascinated to learn what draws people to this delicious beverage, often, multiple times each day. Please share your passion or reasoning Below.
There are a variety of reasons why people enjoy coffee. Coffee's aroma is one of my favorites. Coffee has always been a favorite of mine. Coffee is sometimes the only thing that can wake me up and make me feel like I can achieve my objectives and goals. It provides me the extra push I need to be focused and energized throughout the day. Believe it or not, coffee helps me relax.
The taste. I don't particularly care for the caffeine boost, but I put up with it for the deliciousness of the coffee drink.
My coffee drinking preferences have changed over the years, but from the instant coffee crystals of my youth to the Starbucks espresso drinks of city living, or the lovely V60 brews I make at home now, it's about the taste first of all. I also appreciate the aromas, but that's of secondary importance to me. I guess the taste preference is what has lead me to prefer V60 brews of beans that are of African origin. The fruity, floral notes are a real treat to the palate. A good clean drip coffee brew highlights them. I still like to roast/drink some Colombian and Brazilian coffees, but the most memorable cups are the African brews.
The question speaks for itself. I’m new here and fascinated to learn what draws people to this delicious beverage, often, multiple times each day. Please share your passion or reasoning Below.
The variety of flavors found in many different kinds of coffee is my favorite thing but my second-favorite is the energy boost I get from my favorite caffeinated beverage. Caffeine keeps me going throughout the day and I have learned to appreciate the many flavors of specialty coffee.
The smell, the taste, the boost, how fiddly it can be and how getting it right makes a difference, and how even the most plebeian of coffees can taste sooooooo wonderful when you need it bad.

Two things to be thankful for - that coffee is legal, and that it is readily available.
I love the smell and taste and effects of coffee. I can work grind longer. Coffee is good for my Bodybuilding boxing workouts muscle building exercises and college studies. Combine all three coffee fitness school total package working man
I have been consuming coffee for years, but it's nothing more than commercial coffee. Recently, I step up my coffee coffee routine to Indonesian civet cat coffee (which you can easily get online, but mine is from here. Just in case you need a recommendation).

It takes me by surprise to taste its sweet caramel and earthy flavors. I will definitely switch my commercial coffee beverages to civet cat coffee FOREVER.