what Best time to drink your coffee ?

I'm an owl. So I usually wake up in the afternoon and drink my first coffee as soon I get out of the bed. But yes without coffee, my day is not complete. It boosts my energy.
Oct 15-17

I find that I like coffee in the morning, but that extra coffee or espresso in the afternoon helps me sail through my evening tasks or activities. If I have trouble sleeping, I take Melatonin! Coffee has some interesting intereaction with the brain, and I found this interesting short video regarding, "Are you drinking your coffee correctly?" I liked it so much I put it near the top of one my articles in my blog on https://shopgourmetkitchen.com See this interesting video about when we drink coffee, and how that affects us--inside my article, "Best Super Automatic Machine Reviews." Click here. Enjoy! https://shopgourmetkitchen.com/super-automatic-espresso-machine-reviews/

Personally, I like coffee in the morning and then again in the late afternoon to help carry me through the evening. I ran across a short informative video about "Are We Consuming Coffee Correctly?" having to do with how our brain reacts to coffee at different times of the day. I inserted it into one of my articles that I will share here in a link. Enjoy! https://shopgourmetkitchen.com/super-automatic-espresso-machine-reviews/ --Kathie
I usually have my coffee after my workout around 8/8:30 am (get up around 7 am); however, I find my energy levels severely dropping around 10-11 am, so badly that I start to fall asleep. (It's very embarrassing, since I go to class at this time.)
best time for me is in the morning during breakfast and afternoon after meal,to boosts energy and avoid getting sleepy.
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