Venezuelan Coffee?


New member
Sep 24, 2004
I had the benefit, a few years back, to visit Venezulea on my honeymoon cruise. For the brief time I was there, I experienced some of the best coffee I ever had. I ended up bringing home a few pounds with me but that was quickly used up. I found a vendor on EBAY who sold Venezuelan beans a while back and was purchasing most of my coffee from him. However, in the last 7 months, he has not been able to get any coffee beans from Venezulea and I have been unable to find anyone who sells it.

I just started roasting my own coffee (after finding by accident) and have found a lot of great coffee to try. I asked the owners of the site if they ever stocked Venezulean coffee and they said it had been a very long time since they found an estate over there worth buying.

On a good note, I have discovered home raosting and a lot of good coffee. On a bad note, I have lost my connection to Venezuelan coffee. Does anyone know why it is so difficult to find coffee from Venzuela. Does anyone know where I can buy some beans?

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

I'm from Venezuela and the only good coffee I found here from back home that is fresh and has an excellent taste is at

I would not recomend a particular brand to buy because I don't know how you like your coffee and I don't know how fresh the coffee could be. They keep Angel Falls light roast to the taste of the American.

Give it at try!

Tell them where you found out about them, please.


I would imagine that your difficulties arise from the political turmoil going on in Venezuela for the past 2 years.

Would you be interested in coffee beans from other origins, like El Salvador or Panama? I know of some awsome coffees from very old estates.


Thanks for the link to angel falls coffee. I've seen them before but never tried them out. I think I may give it a try.


I have strated roasting my own coffee and found Panama coffees to be some of my favorites. I have tried two in particular that I bought from One is called "Songbird" which I love and the other is from La Berlina Estate. That one is a little different from the Songbird and I drink it less but I find it very good nontheless.

I haven't tried any from El Salvador yet but would be interested. Let me know.

I am a supplier of the finest Venezulean coffee , if you are having any trouble with finding Venezulean coffee please feel free to contact me at, and I will send you out a brochure and answer any questions you may have. I asure you this is Venezulea finest.
Coffee, Cocoa and Chocolate from Venezuela -Don Veitia-

If you really want to taste an excellent Venezuelan Coffee try Don Veitia.
As you know Venezuelan coffee, you must know that Venezuelan Coffee is full bodied, slightly acid, most famous for its Merida, Trujillo coffee; Venezuelan coffee is sweet with a full body and a mellow rich flavor.

I recomend you the dark roasted coffee Don Veitia that has been roasted sufficient amount of time to release the oils to the surface of the bean; to get a rich, strong coffee, consistent high quality, aromatic, gamey, full flavor; Ideal for espresso Coffee. Our Dark roast has a progressively oilier surface and darker in color than medium roast. And its color is like a semi-sweet chocolate.

Also I will like to tell you that Don Veitia is a range of Venezuelan products which combine handmade techniques with a modern technology to offer to customers excellent products while conserving tradition of South American lands, the products are made with high quality raw material as Coffee Arabica ground or whole bean which could be toasted as consumer prefers light, medium or dark roasted.

And it's also Cocoa products are made with high quality raw material as Creole (Criollo) Cocoa products that is the best cocoa of the world originating from Chuao and other regions of this beautiful country, in presentations of Don Veitia cocoa powder, chocolate powder and bars made of dark and milk pure chocolate.

Try true Venezuelan coffee try Don Veitia
Thanks for the post. Sounds like great coffee. A little expensive for a pound, but then again, since it is so difficult to find Venezuelan coffee these days, maybe that is the going price.

As I mentioned in my first post, I used to buy my beans from a guy that had a store on EBAY. I could pick up a 5 pound bag for about $20 with free shipping during his "sales" but the average price per pound was usually around $8. I was devastated when he e-mailed me and told me that he was having problems finding a supplier. It's been over a year since the last time he has sold coffee.

I used to buy the medium roast and it was very similar to your description of the dark roast. Beautiful dark color with the oils on the surface. I never tried his darker roast but I think that would have been too dark.

Anyway, I have about 10 pounds of Panama and Costa Rican green beans that I need to get through before I have a need for more coffee. Maybe then I will give your coffee a try.

Thanks again!
I've got no problem with Venezuelan beans....I've got almost more than I can handle.

My is call Venezuelan Vendetta...check it out on my site.


There are many out there that do have very good quality beans all you have to do is look a bit longer, you'll find them. Sometimes you will have trouble finding someone who will sell only a few pounds at a time, most want to sell 50 lbs at a time...due to the fact that there's no alot of money to be made from selling only green beans.
Our dark roast is excellent

We know that our coffee could be a little bit expensive but we have an excellent coffee, you should try the dark roast coffee. If you are a distributor of coffee we have special prices. You could contact me and I will provide you more information.
Rosanna Albano /

mpkelley20 said:
Thanks for the post. Sounds like great coffee. A little expensive for a pound, but then again, since it is so difficult to find Venezuelan coffee these days, maybe that is the going price.

As I mentioned in my first post, I used to buy my beans from a guy that had a store on EBAY. I could pick up a 5 pound bag for about $20 with free shipping during his "sales" but the average price per pound was usually around $8. I was devastated when he e-mailed me and told me that he was having problems finding a supplier. It's been over a year since the last time he has sold coffee.

I used to buy the medium roast and it was very similar to your description of the dark roast. Beautiful dark color with the oils on the surface. I never tried his darker roast but I think that would have been too dark.

Anyway, I have about 10 pounds of Panama and Costa Rican green beans that I need to get through before I have a need for more coffee. Maybe then I will give your coffee a try.

Thanks again!
did I read your prices right?? $19 a lb? So its $19 for your Venezuelan coffee....sorry I just want make sure that is what you are charging
Thanks for all the posts. I actually found a distributor who is willing to sell me green beans for a very reasonable price (and raosted beans for me to compare my home roast to). He normally deals with much larger shipments (I assume for coffee shops) but was willing to break out a smaller lot for me to try. Being a home roaster and dealing with maybe 5 pounds every one to two months, it is hard to find people who sell these smaller quantities. The person I've been talking with has been great and I look forward to trying out his coffee soon!

I must say, however, that I was very tempted to try the "killer beans" coffee for just the name alone!!! Great name!! And the price is not bad either. Maybe I will try it out soon!

Again, thanks for all the posts.

oh...and I forgot to mention...the person am dealing with is the owner of the coffee farm in Venezuela...pretty cool in my beats dealing with the supermarket who bought their coffee from the guy who bought it from the other guy who traded his ipod with the guy who won the beans in a poker game from the guy who found them on the beach a few years ago....
I have tried two so far.

I tried a pound of the Venezuelan Vendetta from the Killer Beans website (as well as a pound of a different type of their coffee). The coffee is excellent. It is roasted very dark with the oils very prevalent on the outside of the bean. Some people who have tried it told me it is too strong for them so I have a tendency to make it a little weaker than what I am used to. It is different from other Venezuelan coffee I have tried (maybe a little more acidic?) but overall I am happy with it.

The second one I tried was from an owner of a farm in Venezuela (but lives in the U.S.) who offered to sell me some green beans (in 5 pound bags) to try. I promised not to give out his contact info as he deals primarily with larger orders and he doesn't want to get into the business of 5 pound orders from a million people. I also oredered one pound of his already roasted coffee in order to get an idea of how he roasts his.

The roasted pound was much lighter than the Killer Beans and had a very disticnt taste from any other Venezuelan coffee I have tried. With that said, I can drink a pot of this stuff by myself!! Anytime I make it for people, they are blown away. I've tried various roasts with the green beans and have found the best roast to be just as the second crack starts.

Finally, my original contact for Venezuelan beans sent me an e-mail about a month ago telling me that he is finally back in business. I haven't ordered from him yet because I am trying to go through all the green beans I have purchased over the last few months (I have about 12 pounds of various beans left). Since I am the only regular coffee drinker in my household, it has become a challenge to finish all of them!

Based on the responses I have received and the fact that my original contact is back in business, I am guessing that Venezeulan coffee won't be as hard to find as it has been over the last year or so. So far, all of the beans I have tried from Venezuela have been great with no excpetions. If I try any other ones mentioned here I will post an update. Based on other people's comments, I will probably try the Angel Falls coffee at some point.

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