Toper Roasters

I got a Quote from the Actual Company in Turkey, at prices Considerably less then what you can find from any US Seller, and the reply was quite fast. Anyone Looking to buy a Toper aught to Consider buying direct, and save yourself A BUNDLE.
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  • #17
Not true. You would have to convert the electicity and then there is the hassle of importing the items. I have bought direct from Turkey for parts and wished I had called Chris first.
The quote I got was for 220v or 120v, however I will be shipping to Poland so the 220v is not a bother. Besides, a Step up to 220v isn't that big of a problem lots of Electric Dryers are 220
The differance in prices is substancial enough that I can deal with the difficulties that dealing Multi national might bring.
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  • #19
I do not believe you can buy directly. I was under the impression you had to buy from the US rep. What would be the point of Chris being a rep if anyone could go behind him and buy it direct?
Of the deal te Chris has with them I don't know. But he has even mentioned of this forum, (actually this thread) that he can be contacted directly.

How soon till you get your 3? Wow talk about an Upgrade.
Looks like I am going with the TKM-SX 5, I don't think I'll need a 5 kg Roaster for some time, but it wasn't that much more relativly speaking then the 3 and will be nearly doubling possable output. Seems to me that I should spend the extra money now, and put off having to upgrade just that little bit longer..... If things work out.

Poland's Coffee scene is just starting to grow, there are a couple of Roasters there already, mostly internet sales. I'll start Small, and take a que from Green Mnt and hit all the service stations with a brewer and some pots. Coffee Scene in Europe outside of the House is almost exclusively espresso, and right now every espresso I've had in Poland was stale coffee (yuch). There is definatly room to grow there. I hope
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  • #21
I have had my 3 Topers roasters for about 3 years Ambex for close to 5...Good luck on your roasting! :wink: Try calling Ambex before you pull the trigger.
OPPS.... I just found this forum at the top of the list, and never bothered to look at the dates of when it was really active... Ha that us quite funny.
I beleave that you Topher are Boca Loca, is that correct? If so I have you to Thank for getting my wife to be OK with me to persue ROastingot was 4 bags of boca loca that got her to realize that not all coffees are created equal. Not Great Business for you cause as soon as i Finished those bags, I bought my first roaster (A Hand crank Stove top Popcorn Popper from SM) and not soon after a BBQ drum. Now I am moving to Poland to try and Spread the word of good coffee.
I don't know if I should thank you or hunt you down.....
just kidding if You are who I think you are you make some great coffee, and I thank you for opening up my Wifes Eyes

PS Ambex was my first call, For being in Europe anyway, And Cost, Toper just seems to be the better way to go at the moment.
I have little Doubt that Ambex is a great Product, and has much to offer and perhaps in the future If I want to Automate....
Besides, it gives me a reason to go to Turkey!
I've been to Clearwater :)
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  • #24
:oops: java not loca..thank you for the compliment! Good luck with your future biz! So you are not in the states right now?
We move to Poland in October, and then we start putting things together.
There is a Toper down In Nashua I am Going to take a look at before leaving. Where in Boston was the one you went to see?
To answer the question - where to find a Toper rep in Canada:

Try Peter at Robust Roasters. He's very knowledgeable technically and they offer installation in Ontario.
she.roasts said:
To answer the question - where to find a Toper rep in Canada:

Try Peter at Robust Roasters. He's very knowledgeable technically and they offer installation in Ontario.
That is great, no that is fantastic. So everybody can buy toper in Canada now and even have installed it "very knowledgeably technically"

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