We are opening a small commercial operation...What is the best SuperAuto? We will pay a higher wage to retain good employees..The SuperAutos have been out for a while now what is the best machine for us? Ease of operation, cleaning and dependability? Price point $1200.00-$1800.00...or do we need to be spending more?
You may not have heard and none of the senior members has made any mention about this new superautomatic - Fiorenzato's Ducale Superautomatic.
Check it out using the following linnk:
http://www.partsguru.com/FiorenzatoDuca ... matic.html
This is simple to operate and no motor driven brewing unit. The stainless steel brewing unit has hydraulic system that moves the brewing unit piston up for tamping and return to home position. Boiler is for steam and hot water. The brew unit has a separate brass heat exchanger mounted on top. Very little maintenance or breakdowns because the only motor in the machine is for the pump. Large dredge drawer is good for 50 shots.
This machine was recently displayed at Coffee fest in Wash.DC and also at SCAA show in Charlotte. The dispensing faucet can be moved up for tall cups just with the push with a finger.
The machine was designed for trouble free operation and the only part that can have any problems is the removable brew unit. That can be shipped for immediate replacement and back to operation. No techs, not many parts required. Sound too good? Yes it is. Check it out. Competiors wished they had concieved the hydraulic brewing unit!
Most other commercial superautomatic models are heavy, have complicated design with too many motors and gears, complicated wiring. Not easy to repair and not easy to find qualified help outside of Metropolitan areas.
Price US$8000.00 plus shipping & water line connection charges.
Programming the doses, temperature, coffee per shot needs instructions. That can be programmed before shipping or instructions will be sent and explained after installation.
This is niether a promotion nor a comparison with other models.
Good luck.