Sierra Leone


New member
Feb 21, 2006
This is one of the coffees that I am anticipating to try. There is a co-op there which is expecting an 07 harvest. The country from 91-2002 was in civil war.

To my best of knowledge there are no places that offer SL Coffee. Especially a single origin one. Does anybody know someone who seels SL Single Origin coffee (PM me if so). Its an arabica bean and is probably in some west african blends.

I find it facinating to try a coffee that is rare. It would be like finding some Yemen (supposed home of coffee) beans.

What is a rare coffee that you have tried?

MrBox, there is no question that I have encountered two rare beans in the past year that have floored me with a fantastic aroma, taste and long luscious lingering finish. One was a Sumatran from the Lake Tawar region that repelled me at first, but that was because I am a Dufus with the roaster occasionally and it was not the bean's fault. (I was getting overtones of cabbage from that first batch.)

But wait! After more roasting and trying it from a range of City to Full City +, this bean came alive and provided outstanding complexity and satisfaction. Defintely worth the effort to find. The other current favorite that I came across only due a review I read. It's Ethiopian Kaffa Forest coffees, which grow wild and uncultivated in certain areas of coffee's birthplace. You simply will not believe how good these beans can be at their best. Apparently though, each year's crop wildy varies in taste and consistency (which is understandable given their wild nature). If you can find some available right now, I urge you to give it a try. Even the wife has praised this batch, and that usually never happens!

Good luck....

I have some Polish friends that would probably pay a pretty penny for your cabbage blend. Call it Borstbrew and put a Eastern EU crest on it and you have gold.

Don't get much Sierra Leon coffee here because Europe gobbles it all up and just plain old logistics. Hard to have a good plantation when yor workers are dropping like flies at age 25. Had some ~15 years ago. Personaly I like Etheopians I've had better but was nice to try beans from another region.
I have some Polish friends that would probably pay a pretty penny for your cabbage blend.

LOL! I have been told that the Lake Tawar is grown next to a cabbage patch, but I suspect that flaw was just me baking the beans instead of roasting them. By the way, I was in heaven over the weekend. I blending full city Lake Tawar with city+ Ehtiopian in about a 60% Ehtiopian to 40% Sumatran ratio. Simply great.

In fact, I've got to get back online and see if I can 10 more pounds of each before it's sold out. Life is simply too short to drink anything but excellent coffee!
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