Roasting question never asked(and my introduction post)


New member
Jun 13, 2007
What do beans just roasted (with no time to degas) taste like?

..:: my scant introduction ::..

It''s nice to be apart this forum. I don''t really have much to say that i feel is certain, no ideas i don''t really challenge. With that said, i find coffee making and drinking, especially with people, something that enriches my life.

I like coffee with friends around 8pm. When I come across bad coffee I find it still rewarding. I pick out funny tastes and fall back on the caffeine and relating it to better coffees I''ve tasted at starbucks. I really liked the freshest stock of certain beans like \"Papua New Guinea\", \"Shade-grown Mexico\", \"Kenya\", and \"Sumatra\"

Now I''m interested in doing this at home.
Cupping coffee straight out of the sample roaster is commonplace in coffee quality management. While some quality management prefer to cup test the day after roasting (when the coffee is settled a bit), most adjust their sensory evaluations to account for cupping promptly.
The body tends to be a bit thinner and the taste a little more shallow - lacking some of the sweetness, mouthfeel and complexity of coffee over the course of the first few days after roasting. An immediate espresso shot exhibits these characteristics, plus usually requires a grinder fine-ness adjustment and it will foam heavily from CO2 release - like a Guinness, not just crema.
Pick a straight origin coffee that you are familar with and roast a batch today. Cup the roast right away, and set some whole bean aside (in barrier packaging) for tomorrow. Then roast a duplicate batch of the same coffee tomorrow, put both samples on the cupping table side by side in a "delta test" or "double blind" comparison.
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