Roasting a blend - how to

Thank all your ideas, i feel good.
I normally roast seperately, and then blend together.
But in another way, If a roaster roasted much year, they can blend before roast, I wish can do that way. It hard, and high-level, because you must know temperature excately.
I begin roast coffe this year, hope i can do more and more for coffee beans.

I'm down the middle. And like so many things in life . . . it depends.

I'd like to roast beans individually but I've got a 10kg roaster and one bean in the blend is 15%. I could maybe roast 6kg of that individually and blend it. But then I'd have 4.5kg sitting around waiting for my next roast.

This is the dilemma when building a business and working up to a volume where you can roast everything individually with no beans sitting around going stale.

As can be seen by all the posts though different people have different views so you should do both and taste the final product for your particular blend. Which tastes better? And now you've got your answer.
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