Um...I think there is another variable that no one has looked at. My attention span is short, so I didn't read all of these posts that carefully.
Anyway, the bean size makes a difference. Some are just larger than others and I can tell you that I can always roast more Ethiopian than Colombian in a single batch.
Also, I think Ambex totally changed designs in the last couple of years - the metalwork used to be done in Turkey but is now done in the USA (at least for some of their models). In that process, I think they gave the newer roasters "more headroom."
As for false representation, I think it is more like an industry standard. Remember that traditionally these machines were manufactured in Turkey and, to a point, Europe (Italy). Drum capacity means something slightly different. A good analogy is to get out a ruler and measure a 2x4 in the lumber section of Home Depot. The finished dimension is actually slightly smaller than 2" by 4".