The smaller you are, the more you need a distinct differentiator, and the single best way to create your own niche and to remain profitable (when you are small) is to have Quality as your differentiator. From quality of beans to skill, understanding and craft as a roaster.
Average, or simply "good" coffees must be HIGH volume in order for you to compete. Unless you will be roasting 15,000 +++ pounds of coffee per month, stay out of this area. You simply can't compete.
Place yourself in a category where you have no competitors, understand coffee and business equally well, and deliver an exceptional value proposition to your customers and you will always be profitable.
... Split the difference, and do a roast shop with daily (scheduled) coffee and espresso tastings to help promote What you roast, How you roast, and Why it's better than A, B, and C. This will give your customers greater insight to what you offer.
And in the SF area, there are a very small number of excellent roasters for the population. (Ritual, Wrecking Ball, Four Barrel, Blue Bottle and possibly Sightglass) Find a neighborhood that doesn't have one, and BE that one. SF should have 10 to 15 excellent coffee shops/roasters. There's plenty of room for more.
![Coffee :coffee: :coffee:](