Request for a mellow cofffee


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Jan 19, 2010
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Could anyone help suggest me a (preferably inexpensive), mellow, very heavy(bold), low acidity bean/blend? Something smooth with a flavor that hangs around in your mouth a while. I don't have the ability to roast my own, but I can grind.

We (my wife and I) have experimented with a lot of different green beans for home roasting. Our favorite is Costa Rican Tarrazu beans. They seem to have the character we like and we don't roast them too dark because we like a mellow roast. I can't help much for already roasted beans, however, while we were out of green beans I did see Tarrazu in a medium dark roast at Trader Joes and we bought them to try them out. They were good, not quite as good as home roasted in my opinion, but we would/will buy them again if/when we run out of green beans again.
Based on my experience there are several mild-medium options. Beans from Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala just to name a few....

I used to like the lighter stuff until I tried cupping Ethiopia Sidamo. Now it's my go-to bean for drip. Nice and dark with fruit/wine sort of aftertaste. Actually working with my roaster so he can blend the espresso we currently use, which is a Brazilian Ipanema together with the Sidamo to give the fruit/wine notes, while still maintaining the nutty/buttery taste/texture of the Brazilian. Later!
Yeah Sidamo rules for me..... I've tried lots of variety for drip over the last year or so including offerings from Brazil, Costa Rica, Colombia, Guatemale, Kenya and a few from East Africa. IMO none can touch the Sidamo. Anytime a customer asks for something "a little darker" that's what I give them. I usually don't ask if they want something lighter or darker because I think visions of Charbux dance in their head and they very quickly say "lighter please".... Later!
Behmor Roaster & Ctrl and S American beans for mellow roast?

An elderly friend of mine from N Dakota,who only drinks black Melitta filter coffee, does not like darker roasts. She liked the Java, but not the Sumatra. Said it was a bit 'harsh.'
I am thinking I might do better with Guatemala, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia or Costa Rica.
I roast with a Behmor. I am thinking I should take it to 1st crack, then Cool about 30 seconds later.

Anyone have an infromed opinion on this?
Well I'm not one for a mellow coffee, but will add a few things... I personally think most coffees are misunderstood because they are often prepared improperly for maximum achievable results. If the beans aren't fresh enough, or proper grinding/brewing isn't achieved for a specific extraction method it can reflect badly on ANY coffee regardless of origin or roast level. These variables make all the difference in how any particular coffee can be in the cup.

Regarding Kona... as with other origins I think Kona is overrated and is priced far too high for what it is. More than anything it's supply vs. demand. Most think the higher price indicates a superior coffee with extreme smoothness, taste, body, etc... when those attributes can easily be had in properly roasted beans from many other countries for far less $$$.

I know this thread is a little bit old. But here in Costa Rica, our brand Café Rey just recently launched a new website to offer fresh coffee from Costa Rica directly to the US. Export quality, specially Tarrazú, which is renown worldwide. You can see our products at