Quality green coffee beans


New member
Sep 21, 2004
I am looking for a very good green coffee bean supplier hopefully near St. Louis, Mo that will sell beans in small quantities. Anyone out there that can help? Please let me know, it would be appreciated.
For great green beans in small quantities, try www.sweetmarias.com they are in CA, but really know their coffees.

You could try contacting a local coffee roaster and see if they would be willing to sell you some greens.
I am not sure on this...but I do not believe that Atlas caters to home roasters....they are pretty big.
I too recomend ATLAS, or if the qty is too high, I'd sell you some of my stock that I get from them. At my cost plus 10% and shipping.
nw how much are you buying? I am paying about $1.12 a lbs for my Colombian....who do you buy from?
It's ColOmbian SupremO.....market is up right now...but $1..95 is still high...
Co? They don't grow coffee in Colorodo :P I probably do get a break due to volume...but I was just trying to be honest by saying that $1.95 was high..and you posted that when the market was down...shoot you must be paying over $2 now. I will call a buddy of mine who stores some coffee in Seattle and find out his price on small quantities. :wink:
talked to him today...said he can beat it by at least a dime a pound...
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