Specifically to CoffeeGuy and MightyBean (and to everyone else that has $0.02 in their pocket). . . I roast my coffee and have my product in about 25 stores so far. Word is starting to get out and I've had a few unsolicited inquiries on how folks can get my coffee if they live too far away from the stores. I've been building my website and Facebook business page for the last couple of months. Additionally researching shipping options here in Ireland/UK, which can get pretty expensive. Also the best way to package and the financials of the business. I'm close to launching.
So the biggest question I have to you successful website folks is: HOW DO YOU GET TRAFFIC?
Here are the steps I'm taking:
~Via Facebook I'm starting to build a Friends network
~In time I am considering advertising on Facebook because of the targeting abilities
~Also Google Adwords although you can't dial in the targeting as well
Beyond that though I'm not sure where to go. I was going to:
~print-up a bunch of 4x6 cards to put on people's windshields and offer a free gift for their first purchase on the website.
~I'm considering hanging banners from freeway overpasses (because you can get away with that here in Ireland).
~And wall posters as well (there is a company in Dublin, which is across the island from me) that puts up posters all over the city advertising bands and movies so why not coffee? This last item may be too expenive though so it is at the bottom of the list.
~Finally I was considering creating a coffee curriculum to offer to the schools which would teach history and geography via coffee and offer that as a free download (but that's down the road and quite a big project)
~Sending out press releases to all the local papers to see if I can get a write up (they're big on promoting small business here)
Oh, and as to payment processing I was only going to offer transactions (invoices or charge cards) via Paypal.
So, with that background laid I'm all ears if you care to share your thoughts.
Thank you!