Old Website

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is your main website mobile friendly? i resized the browser window on a PC and it did not break down/optimize. your store did however. if the main site is not it is essential you get that fixed because mobile and tablet use are outpacing desktop pc's these days and it only makes sense to design websites forward thinking like this.

Also, Google adopted a new algorithm for search results which favors websites which are mobile enabled...not exactly sure when "Mobile-geddon" occurred, I'll have to check with my brother-in-law, but I believe it was in April.
I like the logo and design of your shop but I would find a way to integrate the store into your current site. It will help build confidence when shopping online and ads a layer of complexity to the check out process.
If it has already been said please forgive me...but, YOU HAVE TO TELL ME HOW MUCH COFFEE IM BUYING. None of your info seems to say if it's 10oz, 12oz, or a pound. I would not even dream of buying if I don't know exactly how much your selling me.
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