New Web Site (Old thread from 2008)

I see, there is a difference. In a way, it is more like a diary.

Nice site and good info. I almost want to link to it from my blog (not the "spinning yarns" in my current www though).

I like the rum recipes. :D
Hi Guys,

I think anything that's posted on the Internet, including a diary, blog, journal, web page, professional web site, or even an E-mail should be proofread for grammar and punctuation. If you're putting something out there for people to read, it should be as easy to read as possbile. That means not causing your reader to slow down, question, stumble, stop, and then just click onto another site. Okay...I'll admit a couple of small typos or word choice mistakes can be overlooked, but for the most part there is really no excuse for not proofreading.

That's my "two pennies" worth on a rainy Sunday afternoon.

Hi Rose,
That sounds like the usual weather here in Hampshire, U.K. at this time of year, but this morning woke up to about 4" of snow cloaking the trees and garden and with brilliant sunshine. My wife and I went for a walk round a nearby lake, and whilst there was pleasant warmth from the sun in sheltered spots, the east wind cut through us like a knife.
Getting back to the subject of the post, the reason I joined in the discussion is my own pet hate, and that is the superiority assumed by some natural born English speakers about the language. In particular I am thinking about British tourists who go to France (or other countries) and make no effort to communicate in the native language and just assume that everyone will speak English. I know that English is rapidly becoming the language of the international business world and also the internet, but to my mind that's no excuse not to try and learn a second language ourselves. Who knows, in another 20 years the international business language could well be Mandarin.
Nick, don't hate, participate. Ha, just kidding. I've heard the same about the Mandarin language. More people in the world speak Chinese than any other language. More countries speak English, is what I've heard.

We really have to be flexible and go with the flow, so to speak. Who knows, our next president might swear in by saying "Fo shizzle!". I wouldn't care. People can speak how they want.

Nick, sounds like your winter is worse than mine. We got an inch of snow yesterday morning. It's almost to a point where snow will melt away the next day. Summer is coming. 8)
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You are right that English is my second language. I am from Croatia. It's one of ex Yugoslavian countries.

I will definitely ask for help with English on my web site.

And to you guys I am very grateful for all of your comments :)

Hi Jossip!

It was so good to see your message this morning! I was wishing that we would hear from you soon. I was afraid that you were upset by our comments regarding your web site, and I was hoping you would see that we were trying to be helpful and not hurtful.

I'm sure the other forum members will be just as pleased that you are back with us!

Enjoy your day.

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Hi Rose,

Currently I don't have internet at home. That is the reason of my absence from forum.
I am thankful for all post, because it will help me to improve content of my web site.

Hi, Josip.

I really like how you have recipes on your site (especially in the cocoa drinks and chocolate drinks section). Keep up the good work!
Can some one please check the site for me i want to buy nespresso machine can i buy from this site?

This is an old topic thread from 2008. He has not been back to visit the Coffee Forum since 2008.

You can see the date of the post at the top left of the message box. Please take a look at the date before you respond. Some of the posts here are very old.

It is better to start a new topic discussion instead of opening up an old one.

~ Rose