New drive thru in Texas

:shock: That’s amazing; you can get your coffee without getting out of the car…

This is the first time I’ve heard of this idea, sure you can get coffee at the McDonalds drive-thru but I've never seen one for a coffee shop.
drive thru convenience

They say that everyone is too busy to get out of their car but in reality everyone is too lazy nowadays to get out of their car. The double drive thru concept is great because with two windows working, it takes care of the morning rush hour without a big backup of cars.
Ah what the hey :D It keeps some of us buzzy :shock: I mean busy :P In any case, drive thrus are great for those commuters on their way to work and can't spare the time to get out and park. It really has nothing to do with being lazy. More for convenience. Now of course if you have the time on your way to work to stop, find a parking spot, get out of your vehicle, wait in line behind someone who can't make up their mind what they want to drink, and then your turn at the counter, wait for your drink, and maybe grab a muffin, return to your vehicle, wait to merge back into traffic, etc., etc., etc. Get my point 8)
Your right

You are right, Coffee Guy. It definitely is more convenient. But that is because we do not have as much time to move around any more. I think that I will invent an exercise program that commuters can use on their way to work when they are stuck in traffic. Do you think that it would open me up for law suits.
Nah...don't they already have a vehicle like that???? It's called a bicycle :twisted:
new TX shop

where in TX will this shop be? I've owned and managed TX coffee shops for around 15 years and in most of the major cities...might be able to give more specific help.