💵 For Sale New, Ceramic Espresso Knock Box (Special Design)


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Jun 22, 2024
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Artistic and Durable Ceramic Espresso Knock Box. Nil ckb © Copyright 2024

This ceramic knock-box is resistant to wear, easy to clean, non-toxic, and eco-friendly. You will love it more and more with each use.

https://www.etsy.com/listing/1746835491/ceramic-knock-box-round-espresso?click_key=6a26c4f09da485ed5295652995f5e0699cf6b653%3A1746835491&click_sum=ac2bcadc&ref=shop_home_active_1&pro= 1&sts=1

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That's very pretty but how does the ceramic hold up to knocking? Obviously, you don't want to hit it with the portafilter or it'll break but do the holes stand up to the knocking on the the wood peg?
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That's very pretty but how does the ceramic hold up to knocking? Obviously, you don't want to hit it with the portafilter or it'll break but do the holes stand up to the knocking on the the wood peg?
I am very happy that you liked the Ceramic Knock Box.
I have been using the Ceramic Knock Box for months. The wooden knock bar easily absorbs strong impacts, and the holes do not get damaged at all. The Ceramic Knock Box adds a unique atmosphere to the station. I can definitely say that the risk of breaking is lower compared to a ceramic mug. It doesn't get carried around like a mug.

In addition to all this, when you use it, you discover the superior features of the ceramic knock box and you can't give it up. Aesthetic, Stain-Resistant, Easy to Clean (Just Rinse and Keep Using), Easy to Use, Food Safe, Non-Toxic, Low Carbon Footprint, and Eco-Friendly.
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