Need Technical Help: Ambex - Watlow EZ-Zone PM6 - Mac OS

You have the current driver for your FTDI chip or is that already supported in your MAC OS version?

The baud rate definitely matches... Watlow/Artisan?

And do you know what the MAP setting is on your Watlow?

Beyond that I would be researching any additional ideas myself.

Please share your findings and (hopefully) solution.

Good luck.
After learning a lot about the Watlows and Modbus, I am finally able to read from the thing lol

Here are the correct settings for Artisan for a Watlow PM6C1FC-1XXXXXX that comes with the Ambex YM-5 Roaster

Screen Shot 2019-01-15 at 11.14.02 AM.webp

The one key thing is to make sure you are using FLOAT as the decode and uncheck the words check mark.

Newer versions of MAC OS come with the correct drivers to read the FTDI USB to RS485 Converter cable, so no need to install anything.

Analog Input 1 is at register 360 and is a 32 bit float
Analog Input 2 is at register 440 for MAP 1 and 450 for MAP 2 - ( Configurable in the Watlow Setup Menu for Comm's ) - ( Mine was set for MAP 1 )
Great job doing the extra research to connect the dots.

Thanks for sharing the details and happy roasting!

I don't know if Watlow has their tools available for download online but they have a DVD... Controller Support Tools. Which they usually ship with new Watlows. It contains lots of helpful goodies.
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