Need inexpensive burr grinder recommendations for drip/french press/etc...

Nice justification to stick with your preconceived ideas.

But the vast majority, I dare say, of coffee drinkers are not 'coffee snobs' but simply people who know if something tastes good to them. I seriously doubt, however, that the members of this majority can tell the difference in taste between coffee that was brewed with grounds from a $300 grinder or with grounds from a $50+ grinder, all other things being equal.

I simply give that group of people more credit than you, that's all, and believe people who care enough about their coffee to actually pause and reflect on it while they drink it will be well able to discern the difference between a $50 Cuisinart and a $120 Baratza. I say that because I've witnessed it. You haven't, so you're allowed to keep your position, just realize your position is based on nothing more than pure speculation and/or some way to justify your choice of grinder.
Not a bad idea! I could dig out my Braun burr grinder and my Baratza, along with two identical press pots, and run it past a few friends. Maybe I need to find a third identical press pot, and add a blade grinder into the experiment. Brew up three pots with the only difference being the grinder, serve and take notes.
And, just as there are 'wine snobs' or 'cigar snobs' there are 'coffee snobs' who purport to be the authority on what coffee should taste like in order to be considered good and what steps must be taken in order to achieve said coffee.

Yeah and WAY too many of them, lmao. Frequent the forums enough and you get sick of all the coffee yuppies that measure their grounds by the .1 gram, measure brew temperature to .1 degrees in an effort to be .00000001% better than the next guy. Go to some coffeeshops and get a laugh at all the liberal beanie wearing dweebs that try to convince you think outside the box of conventional coffee wisdom with their lame brew methods, 3rd wave (or 4th by now) roasting/blending techniques, yadda yadda yadda.

Like the punk that came to my window at an event several years back saying he was from Seattle so he knows what good coffee is. I simply laughed and said "Seattle thinks they know what good coffee should be, but opinions are like buttholes..." That is like me saying because I'm from NC I know what good pulled pork should be. No, it simply means that I know what I like to eat based on my experiences.
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Hello All,

My wife and I have a small roastery in Clearwater, Florida and often are recommending folks use burr grinders instead of the ubiquitous blade or spice grinders. Unfortunately, when the see the price or Baratza's lineup, they usually decide to stick with the blade grinder for cost.

What is out there which is worth recommending in the sub $100 and sub $50 range?

For reference, we use a Baratza Virtuoso for everything but espresso and a Mazzer Superjolly for espresso ourselves.

Thanks a ton!

Hi Paul, it's nice to hear from you. I personally know some stuff about coffee grinders and what I can say is, never get an electric blade grinder. This is for the following reasons (1) they increase the amount of "saw-dust" created which makes coffee taste bitter (2) blade grinders generate heat while grinding the coffee beans, and damage the quality of the beans (3) unconsistent grind (4) blade grinders are not meant for grinding coffee. What you need is a conical burr grindr - which can either come as a hand crank coffee grinder or electric burr grinder. I wouldn't recommend using a hand grinder if you are going upscale with your business. You should definitely try the DeLonghi Stainless Steel Burr Coffee Grinder - comes at a good price (~$70 range) and is really good at what it does. I can't say for Baratza Virtuoso because I have never used their products before. All the best!
StarCoffee, I'm a fan of hand mills, but you really should study electric grinder function/design a bit more before dogging them in such a manner. Apparently you have never used a quality flat burr grinder as you sure won't get "saw dust" from a decent grinder.

Do us all a favor and stop posting garbage SPAM links.
StarCoffee, I'm a fan of hand mills, but you really should study electric grinder function/design a bit more before dogging them in such a manner. Apparently you have never used a quality flat burr grinder as you sure won't get "saw dust" from a decent grinder.

Do us all a favor and stop posting garbage SPAM links.

FYI - I was referring to electric BLADE grinders. I am starting to wonder if you should have read the post more carefully before labelling someone's posts as "garbage" or "spam". That is certainly not appreciated in anyway whatsoever. I hope that in future you would be kinder to new members of the forum, even if you thoroughly disagree with them. If you think that I have made a mistake, or wish to challenge what I have said, please contact me in private.
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Hello "Starcoffee"

I may be able to shed a little bit of light on the Spamming issue.

When I was at work today, I went to this Coffee Forum website, but I didn't log in. I took a look at the active topics, and when I viewed your post in this thread, I saw links within your post. These links apparently redirect people to websites that sell the items than you mentioned in your post.

I noticed that this happens whenever people mention specific product names in their posts. I have a feeling that it's how the Forum owners generate income from the Forum. However, I don't quite understand why the links only show up if you're not logged into the Forum, because once I log in, they're no longer there.

Sometimes new members intentionally "name drop" specific products in their posts, which makes it appear like they're Spamming the Forum (and they probably are). However, I don't think that was the case with your post.

If you want to see what I mean, log out of the Forum and just visit the website without logging in. Revisit the post that you made, and you'll see the links.

Hi Rose,

Thanks for your reply and shedding light on this issue. I was initially horrified by shadow745's remarks. I logged out and indeed re-looked the post, there was a link on the product which I mentioned (although I have by all means not intended to put any links). I think you're right - this is how the owners of the forums generate income. If that's the case then I wonder how we can mention specific products without the links appearing (at least to outsiders), so as to avoid giving the wrong impression.

Thanks anyway I appreciate your help :coffee:
Hi again "StarCoffee"

When I first discovered the links, I had viewed the Forum without logging in, and they showed up in one of my posts where I was asking a question about a coffee maker. Needless to say, I was (and still am) annoyed about it happening.

I don't think there is a way to mention specific product names without the links appearing to visitors on the Forum. At least when our registered members log into the Forum, they don't see the links, unless someone specifically inserts links into their post. Yesterday, at the same time when you were posting all of your posts, someone else posted a lot of messages with tons of links in them. That person looked like a Spammer, and he/she is gone now.

We try very hard to keep this Forum as Spam free as possible. It's not easy, believe me!

FYI - I was referring to electric BLADE grinders. I am starting to wonder if you should have read the post more carefully before labelling someone's posts as "garbage" or "spam". That is certainly not appreciated in anyway whatsoever. I hope that in future you would be kinder to new members of the forum, even if you thoroughly disagree with them. If you think that I have made a mistake, or wish to challenge what I have said, please contact me in private.

Yes you were referring to blade units, but I would never consider them grinders in any form.

I tend to challenge what all people say.

Horrified by my remarks initially? Most people are, lmao.