Need Help Revamping Our 20yr Old Diedrich Roaster

I'm thinking something like this...

I'd make a removable plate to access all the workings. The main power switch is in the rear and seems smarter to have it on the side.
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Dwyer gauges are easy to work with, HD should have all the parts necessary to tee in a gauge.

how does the air control work on this machine?
Here's a few pics for explanation.




Let me know if that clarifies. If not I'll draw arrow flow.
As for the air flow temp sensor, should I go with position 1 or 2 or somewhere else? See pic...
Take this for what it's worth...

Unless you have a real strong reason for adding any sensors beyond the bean mass probe, I'd suggest waiting on that 'til you know you need it. I've never seen the reason for it. You can get up and running, learn the machine and add it later if/when you think it'll help.
Take this for what it's worth...

Unless you have a real strong reason for adding any sensors beyond the bean mass probe, I'd suggest waiting on that 'til you know you need it. I've never seen the reason for it. You can get up and running, learn the machine and add it later if/when you think it'll help.

No strong reason, just trying to setup for success. However I appreciate your insight and agree with your logic. What do you think about the gauge for gas pressure? That seems like it would cut significantly down on setting the proper temp fast as you would see the gas pressure and know the corresponding operating temp. Make sense?
The gas gauge is a must - otherwise you're guessing. All my profiles use time and gas pressure. Using only temps is also a guessing game since you don't know precisely how much heat you're actually adding or subracting.
Ok good to know. Guess I'll start there then. Looking at two options for gauge location. I just need to pull off the control panel and see what location will work best as I'm unsure what's behind there. Thanks!!
I needed something different to do today so I started the long process of polishing all the SS & brass on our roaster.


Deleted post... changed my mind on question.
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Ordered a second gauge for air temp, just a analog one. Also adding some fun stuff... Although it's not done. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1454682938.783641.webp
If you wish to see how things progress you can see here: Our Coffee Farm + Future Cafe, Copá
Fixed and now you can actually connect the exhaust properly! -Daniel Kent


