Those sales were primarily through our website with the rest done at the farmer's market. That first year our revenue from the one farmers market we were at was probably in the neighborhood of $30,000 to $40,000. (I don't have the actual numbers in front of me so that's a bit of a guess through the fog of time!)
We are a roaster only and other than what we did at the farmers market, we do not have a café.
Those sales were primarily through our website with the rest done at the farmer's market. That first year our revenue from the one farmers market we were at was probably in the neighborhood of $30,000 to $40,000. (I don't have the actual numbers in front of me so that's a bit of a guess through the fog of time!)
We are a roaster only and other than what we did at the farmers market, we do not have a café.
Just curious, when you say nearly 100% was sold to individual customers, what was that through. Internet sales? Farmers markets? Are you strictly a wholesaler or do you have a cafe as well?