My fresh coffee tastes bad


This is the coffee in question. Beeing abit more sceptic about these beans i started looking. this is supposed to be top notch coffee praised by the geeks (im a nerd so no offence).

why the color difference ? is this expected on yirgacheffe top notch grade and strictly high grown, washed an sundried. both piles is same coffee sorted by me..
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Could be different varietals of coffee grown side by side, and/or differing degrees of ripeness, picked at the same time. Nothing to be concerned with. It will be less with washed vs. natural, but I'd call that normal.
Thank you. I will stop buying this coffee until i become more skilled or buy a new frenchpress for it. i had to try some cups. rat poison again.
lol.. i even tried putting this coffee in our saeco fully automatic that we use in the morning and when we have alot of guests.. (what a waste of "good coffee beans").
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Machies krups are very good too, i have mini krups and works so well