The Moka pot is a great little device, and though it produces a different type of espresso than a 9 bar machine, it
is still espresso, if you tune it right, you will get crema. There should be a wide spectrum for espressos
How do you "tune" a Moka Pot? I heat up the filtered water before filling the bottom chamber. I grind my beans fresh for each pot. I get them from a local roaster who has roasted them about 3 to 4 days before I buy them. The grind is pretty fine and consistent. I don't pack the coffee, just fill it without pack it down. I heat the water slowly so that when it starts to flow into the upper chamber it is slow. I then reduce the heat a bit so it doesn't sputter. When it's almost done I just turn off the heat. What else can I be doing to make the coffee better or with more crema?
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