Mobile Coffee Station

Is this cart available in the United States? Approximately two weeks ago, I sent an e-mail. So far, I have not received a response.

Hi. I too am seriously considering giving up my job to sell coffee. I feel that a Coffee Cart is the best way to get started in order to accomplish my ultimate goal of a small chain of Coffee Houses. Who did you contact in order to find this custom made cart? I have more ambition than capital now, but would like to fully complete a business plan. Thanks in advance for your help!
Is this cart available in the United States? Approximately two weeks ago, I sent an e-mail. So far, I have not received a response.

There is probably a lot of similar carts available in the US. If you were thinking about shipping it from Africa, it is going to cost a fortune.

First 3 google results for "coffee cart"
Some of the carts look really nice and I'm sure the manufactures would be happy to answer your emails

Espresso Carts :: Smoothie & Food Carts :: CMC Espresso

Cart-King Image Gallery

Best of luck
Mr. Shave, thanks for the google search. I appreciate it. I see a cart that I like.
What I think would be cool, is seeing a Gourmet Coffee Truck setup. the Gourmet Food trucks here in South FL are great, damn good grub. Would be cool to see a similar one with some damn good coffee.

There's a pretty kicking Espresso Sprinter Van for sale in the B2B section. I know the guy, actually built the condo he lives in. Its a very nice van.
I'm new here, glad to join this forum and glad to meet you here, I look forward to getting some inspiration and getting to know all of you.
Coffedistributor, I haven't bought a cart (but I did buy a casio Register, especifically for coffee shop), some cute espresso cups, and two zoyirush (is that how it is spelled) water boilers. Talk about putting the cart before the horse. This is slow process. "Money talks, everything else walks"
I have to tell you, I have considered opening up a little coffee stand/shop for years. I have weighed and re-weighed the financial ups and downs. Finally I found the answer. And NO, I'm not trying to sell an infomercial, but what I am about to tell you is REAL! I vowed I would NEVER join another multi-level or direct sales company again. Then I found Javita; or maybe Javita found me. I'm not sure. I have KNOWN for a LONG time that coffee is a HUGE business. But for the initial investment (which is FAR lower than opening up a coffee stand) the financial rewards far out way that of my own coffee shop/stand. Javita is a new company, having launched in June of this year. I am getting in on the ground floor. Now is the time to get in on this amazing opportunity. I will be earning over 500k next year. Javita has the best compensation/bonus plan I have ever seen. So if you are interested, or know someone who is interested, let me know and I will get you the website (I'm new so I can't post the link). I look forward to hearing back from you.
What do you use to run transactions and track sales? I'm in SF and I've seen a lot of mobile carts like this starting to use some interesting and surprisingly tech savvy setups!
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