Losing Flavor in roaster...why?


New member
Nov 26, 2017
When I do a micro roast batch in my popcorn popper, it has excellent flavor - body and aromatics. (about 7 minutes to FC+ or vienna, expresso blend beans)

When I use my home made gas roaster (behmor 1600 ripoff, 60 rpm) I loose all the aromatics and the beans taste weak. (about 15 minutes to FC+)

I thought maybe this was because the bean drum wasn't enclosed and the heat was uneven. So I covered it up, same problem. I thought maybe it was because the gas wasn't burning cleanly (yellow flames and soot on drum) so I used two heat guns and an enclosure. Took about 25 minutes for FC+ and there was no audible second crack, but they definitely looked like FC+.

Any suggestions on why I'm losing the aromatics on my drum roaster?
probably the heat wasn't hot enough... your beans were cooked rather than roasted?
two heat guns at 25 min seems to be way too long... so I am guessing they were cooked.

Thanks Ensoluna. I'll try turning up the heat with the gas and get to FC+ around 11 minutes
First try was too hot - Vienna at 4 minutes... oh well. Next try, 7 minutes FC+. We'll see how they smell in a day or two...

Is a good roast supposed to release smoke before FC+? I may be doing it too hot with the enclosure.
I have a short bbq thermometer protruding through the enclosure. Measures ambient temp, not bean temp. Rises to about 400 at the end of the roast.
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