Round two roasting of the Kenya AA beans, applying advice from MusicPhan:
Kenya AA beans Select Plus Washed
Roasting notes for:
Kenya AA beans Select Plus Washed beans from Coffee Bean Corral. (also Round two, ding ding!)
First round with this bean was quite good.
Roasting machine: Gene Cafe CBR101 2016 production model, stock.
Measure 8 ounces or 227 Grams of green Kenya Coffee beans and set aside. (final roasted weight was 6.9 ounces)
Place the empty roasting cyinder in the roaster, Pre-Heat Gene Cafe Roaster to 392 degrees F or 200 degrees C.
Wait 5 minutes for the temperature to stabilize, and the chamber to uniformly warm up. Optical pyrometer reads the exterior glass drum temperature as 300 F or 149 C. Interior temprature was hotter than the exterior scan shows.
Zero and start timer, place the green beans in the roaster, roast at 392 F for 5 minutes.
(Rougly one minute elapsed between when the pre-heated drum was pulled, loaded with the beans, and roast started.)
After the 5 minutes at 392 F, raise the temperature to 464 degrees F, or 240 degrees C. Continue roasting.
With this batch, the very first crack was heard at 10 minutes 20 seconds. Full rolling crack was at 10 minute 40 seconds.
1 minute and 10 seconds after first crack begins (11 minutes 30 seconds on a kitchen timer), lower the temperature to 437 degrees F, or 225 degrees C. (writing roasting notes really interferes with doing some things quickly).
Continue to roast until desired level of roast, Stopped and force cooled at 13 minutes and 30 seconds.
First crack had fully completed before this time.
For this roast, the Roast duration used was 13 minutes and 30 seconds, this roast did not use a separate dehydration phase.
Notes taken during roasting:
Exterior of the glass drum temperature plus observations at the time.
01:00 239 F
02:00 240 F
03:00 248 F Silver Skin shows signs of drying (whiter color on silver skin)
04:00 250 F Beans are getting a paler color
05:00 264 F Temperature raised to 464 F
06:00 270 F Beans beginning to get paler, and yellow.
07:00 311 F Yellowing complete, browning clearly beginning.
08:00 320 F Browning becoming more pronounced.
09:00 327 F Silver skin is beginning to flake.
10:00 340 F Browning more noticable, puffing of the beans obvious, seam apparently spreading, chaff clearly flaking off the beans.
10:20 no-temp the very first pop is heard. Beginning of FC, but not a full rolling pop yet.
11:00 343 F smoke is clearly seen, chaff is abundently separating from the beans.
11:20 no-temp Middle of first crack, full crack is rolling with frequent pops.
12:00 343 F busy listening for when first crack is ending.
12:30 no-temp First crack is complete.
13:00 no-temp preparing to pull and cool the beans.
13:30 no-temp beans pulled and force cooled.
Nose notes: These freshly roasted beans are very clean smelling, one could easily mistake them for beans ready to brew with.
Color notes: These freshly roasted beans are roughly a full-city level of roast (cracks in beans). Nice uniform color.
Bean appearance after roast: Ever so slight crinkling on the surface. The seam is well opened with the paler silver skin visible in each seam. Cracks are well defined.
Bean flavor/texture. Even though the profile was similar to the Ethiopia beans, they have a bit more brittle-crunch on bite-through. Flavor is very clean, and what has been previously seen with the other Kenya AA roast. There is a reason why I like this bean.
Moisture loss was roughly 13.75 percent. It would have been more precise if grams were used, as versus ounces.